Dr. Charles F. Urbanowicz / Retired Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
California State University Chico / Chico, California 95929-0400
Anthropology Department: Phone: 530-898-6192
email: curbanowicz@csuchico.edu [or] csurbanowicz@gmail.com
Urbanowicz Home Page: https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/
in progress https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/VariousCruiseMaps.html [Cruise Maps Only]
in progress https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/CruiseReferences.html [Various Cruise References]
in progress hhttps://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DarwinPagesOnly.html [UrbanowiczDarwinPagesOnly]
in progress https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/UrbanowiczCitations.html[UrbanowiczCitationsOnTheWeb]
Dates To Be Determined
To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Darwin.html[Charlie Urbanowicz IS Charles Darwin!]
To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/STC.html[Science, Technology, and Creativity.]
To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Gauguin.html[Paul Gauguin and Tahiti.]
To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Cruise.html [Pacific Comments On The Cruise Industry: 2004-2022.]
To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/PacificWWII.html[World War II In The Pacific.]
To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Mystery.html[Seven Not So Mysterious Mysteries.]
2024a https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DarwinBookshelf.html [A Darwin Bookshelf: 1 October 2024].
2024b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/June2024.html [Recommended Supplementl Readings].
2024c https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Valene2024.html [Words For A Colleague And Friend: Valene L. Smith (1926-2024)]. For the Anthropology Forum "Honoring Valene L. Smith" at CSU Chico, February 15, 2024].
2023 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Ancestors.html[Anthropological Ancestors. For the Anthropology Forum at CSU Chico, September 14, 2023].
2022b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/PaulGauguinSmithsonian2022.html[Expanded September References for the cruise on Le Paul Gauguin in French Polynesia} September 7-17].
2022c https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/PaulGauguinJune2022.html[June References for the first ever "Chairman's Cruise" on Le Paul Gauguin in French Polynesia} June 4-15].
2022d https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/FORUMFeb2022.html [South Pacific Changes: 1970-2022! For the CSU Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU Chico, February 24, 2022.] The video that was made of the presentation is available at} https://media.csuchico.edu/media/South+Pacific+ChangesA+1970-2022/1_fhtdnb8b/66947092
2021 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/FORUMSeptember2021.html [Fifty Years An Anthropologist. For the CSU Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU Chico, September 23, 2001]. The video that was made of the presentation is available at} https://media.csuchico.edu/media/Fifty+Years+an+Anthropologist/1_ki0wc9wc/66947092
2020a https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/OosterdamMarch2020List.html[March-April References for the Oosterdam cruise} March 21-April 18, San Diego to Hawai'i and French Polynesia and return to San Diego]. [NOTE: Cancelled} COVID-19]
2020b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/VikingSun2020List.html[January References for the Viking Sun cruise} January 4-January 28, Los Angeles to Auckland, New Zealand].
2019 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/FORUMFebruary2019.html [A Retired Professor With Some Words About Anthropology and Creativity. For the Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, February 7, 2019.]
2018a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SeabournSojournOctober2018List.html[October-November References for the Seabourn Sojourn cruise} October 15, 2018 to November 19, Los Angeles to Auckland, New Zealand].
2018b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/MaasdamMarch2018List.html[March References for the Maasdam cruise} March 25-31, San Diego to Honolulu].
2018c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/MaasdamFeb2018List.html[February References for the Maasdam cruise} February 1-25, Auckland to San Diego].
2018d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/VikingSun2018List.html[January References for the Viking Sun cruise} January 5-January 29, Los Angeles to Auckland, New Zealand].
2017a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SeabournSojourn2017ReadingList.html[October-November References for the Seabourn Sojourn cruise} October 14, 2017 to November 15, Los Angeles to the South Pacific, returning to Los Angeles via the Hawai'ian Islands].
2017b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/SeabournSojourn2017WritersList.html [Non-Fiction & Fiction Writers for the Seabourn Sojourn Cruise} October 14, 2017 to November 15, Los Angeles to the South Pacific, returning to Los Angeles via the Hawai'ian Islands, by Carol (Sadie) Urbanowicz].
2017c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Fall2017ANTH467.html [Thoughts On EO9066: 1942-1988. For a presentation in Professor William Nitzky's CSU, Chico ANTH 467 (Exhibit Research, Design, and Installation].
2017d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CertainSmithsonianCruise2017FactsBrochure.pdf [Brochure: Some Selective Information For Smithsonian Journeys: French Polynesia (February 9-19, 2017).]
2017e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CertainSmithsonianCruise2017Facts.html. [Brochure references as well as reading list and video links for Smithsonian Journeys: French Polynesia (February 9-19, 2017).]
2016a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/NoordamAmsterdam2016List.html [September-November References for the cruise of the Noordam and the Amsterdam} September 25, 2016 to November 17, 2016. Vancouver, British Columbia, to Hawai'i and then to the South Pacific, disembarking in San Diego].
2016b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/AmsterdamFactFiction2016.html [Non-Fiction & Fiction Writers for the Noordam & Amsterdam Cruises} September 25, 2016 to November 17, 2016. Vancouver, British Columbia, to Hawai'i and then to the South Pacific, disembarking in San Diego, by Carol (Sadie) Urbanowicz].
2016c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/Fall2016MKTG305.html. [Marketing From The Perspective Of An Anthropologist. For a presentation in Tom Urbanowicz's CSU, Chico MKTG 305 (Survey of Marketing)].
2016d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CertainSmithsonianCruise2016FactsBrochure.pdf. [Brochure: Some Selective Information For Smithsonian Journeys: French Polynesia (February 4-14, 2016).]
2016e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CertainSmithsonianCruise2016Facts.html. [Brochure references as well as reading list and video links for Smithsonian Journeys: French Polynesia (February 4-14, 2016).]
2015a http://www.smithsonianjourneys.org/experts/charles-urbanowicz/ [Smithsonian Journey Expert.]
2015b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Amsterdam2015List.html [September-November References for the Amsterdam cruise} September 27, 2015 to November 4, Seattle to Hawai'i and then South Pacific, ending in Tahiti].
2015c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Amsterdam2015Information.html [September-November Population & Area information for the Amsterdam cruise} September 27, 2015 to November 4, Seattle to Hawai'i and then South Pacific, disembarking in Tahiti]
2015d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/AMDMFactFictionList2015.html [Non-Fiction & Fiction Writers by Carol (Sadie) Urbanowicz].
2015e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/FORUMWWII2015.html [World War II, 1931-1945: Words, images, And Locations. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, September 3.] The video that was made of the presentation is available at https://media.csuchico.edu/media/WORLD+WAR+II%2C+1931-1945A++Locations%2C+Images%2C+and+Words/0_8k46sng7 (50:29)].
2015f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/FRENCHPOLYNESIAWWII.html [Prepared for the February 2016 Paul Gauguin cruise through French Polynesia].
2015g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/Statendam2015.html [February-March References for the Statendam cruise} February 13, 2015 to March 15, San Diego to Hawai'i and French Polynesia and return to San Diego].
2015h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/OceanPrincess2015.html [January References for the Ocean Princess cruise} January 2, 2015 to January 27, Fort Lauderdale to French Polynesia, via the Panama Canal, selected South American ports, and Easter Island].
2014a https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DCRETIREMENTPAPER2014.html [Cruising Into Retirement As An Anthropologist. For the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. December 6.]
2014b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/FORUMCRUISING2014.html [Cruising At The Anthropology Forum. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, November 13, 2014.]
2014c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/Volendam2014.html [September-October 2014 References for a segment of the Volendam} September 24, 2014 to October 19, 2014, Vancouver to Sydney].
2014d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/SapphirePrincess2014.html [April 2014 References for a segment of the Sapphire Princess} April 3, 2014 to April 29, 2014, Los Angeles to Osaka].
2014e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/Statendam2014.html [February-March 2014 References for a segment of the Statendam} February 14, 2014 to March 5, 2014, San Diego to Pape'ete].
2013a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/Statendam2013.html [October-November 2013 References for a segment of the Statendam} October 10, 2013 to November 3, 2013, Honolulu to San Diego, California].
2013b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/Amsterdam2013.html [January-February 2013 References for a segment of the Amsterdam World Cruise} January 27, 2013 to February 6, 2013, Pape'ete to Auckland, New Zealand].
2012a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/ANTHROFORUMDECEMBER2012.html [Anthropology Through Cartoons, Or, Anthropology Can Be Funny! For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, December 13, 2012.]
2012b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/StarPrincessCruiseOctober2012.html [October 2012 References for the Star Princess Cruise} October 21, 2012 to November 5, 2012, San Francisco to Hawai'i and return to San Francisco].
2012c https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/ANTHROFORUMSPRING2012.html Pacific Travelers, presented with Carol ("Sadie") Urbanowicz. For the CSU Chico Anthropology Forum April 12, 2012.]
2012d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/OosterdamMarch2012List.html [March 2012 References for the ms Oosterdam Cruise} March 17, 2012 to March 31, 2012, San Diego to Hawai'i and return to San Diego].
2012e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curbanowicz/QElizabethCruiseFebruary2012.html [February 2012 References for the Queen Elizabeth Cruise} February 4, 2012 to February 28, 2012, San Francisco to Sydney, Australia].
2011a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ZaandamCruiseOctober2011.html [October 2011 References for the ms Zaandam cruise} October 30, 2011 to November 7, 2011, San Diego to Honolulu, Hawai'i.
2011b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/RhapsodyCruiseSeptember2011.html [September-October 2011 References for the Rhapsody of the Seas Cruise} Honolulu to Auckland, New Zealand (via French Polynesia).]
2011c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/QueenVictoriaCruiseFeb2011.html [February 2011 References for the ms Queen Victoria cruise} February 17, 2011 to March 3, 2011, Los Angeles to Hawai'i and return to Los Angeles.
2010a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/RotterdamRefsDec2010.html [December 2010 References for the ms Rotterdam cruise} December 1, 2010 to December 11, 2010, Honolulu, Hawai'i to Pape'ete, French Polynesia.]
2010b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/RotterdamCruiseSeptember2010.html [September 2010 References for the ms Rotterdam cruise} September 30, 2010 to October 23, 2010, Honolulu, Hawai'i, the Cook Islands, and French Polynesia and to San Diego.]
2010c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BerraReviewForRNSCE [Review of Charles Darwin: The Concise Story of an Extraordinary Man by Tim M. Berra (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008), in Reports of the National Center for Science Education (Berkeley, California), Volume 30, Numbers 1-2 (January-April), pages 37-38.
2010d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/VolendamCruiseApril2010.html [April 2010 References for the ms Volendam cruise} April 17, 2010 to May 12, 2010, Sydney to Vancouver.]
2010e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/RotterdamCruiseMarch2010.html [March 2010 References for the ms Rotterdam cruise} March 8, 2010 to April 10, 2010, San Diego to Hawai'i, the Cook Islands, and French Polynesia and return to San Diego.]
2009a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTHFORUMFALL2009.html [Final Words And Cruising Into Retirement. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, December 10, 2009.]
2009b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2009TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 14 & 16.]
2009c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FA2009TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 9.]
2009d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2009TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 6.]
2009e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH600Fall2009.html [Current Thoughts On Anthropology And Darwin. For Professor David Eaton's CSU, Chico ANTH 600 (Core Seminar in Anthropology) on October 7, 2009, at California State University, Chico.]
2009f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FA2009TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, October 5.]
2009g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2009TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 25.]
2009h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_113-FA2009.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 113-1 and ANTH 113-3, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2009 ].
2009i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_496-FA2009.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 496/496H, History of Theory/Method. Fall 2009 ].
2009j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/OceanusMarch2009.html [March 2009 References for the Spirit of Oceanus cruise} February 27, 2009 to March 13, 2009, Fiji to Guam.]
2009k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/OceanusFeb2009.html [February 2009 References for the Spirit of Oceanus cruise} February 13, 2009 to February 26, 2009, Tahiti to Fiji.]
2009l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PrinsendamJan2009.html [January 2009 References for the ms Prinsendam cruise segment} January 22, 2009 to February 2, 2009, Fortaleza, Brazil to Rio de Janeiro, Argentina.]
2008a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2008TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 15.]
2008b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FA2008TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 15. ]
2008c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FA2008TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, Movember 12.]
2008d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2008TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 7.]
2008e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FA2008TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 7.]
2008f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH600Fall2008.html [Personal Comments on Anthropology and Darwin. For Professor David Eaton's CSU, Chico ANTH 600 (Core Seminar in Anthropology) on September 30, 2008, at California State University, Chico.
2008g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FA2008TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, October 6.]
2008h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FA2008TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 26.]
2008i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2008TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 26.]
2008j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_SOSC303-FA2008.html [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution . Fall 2008].
2008k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_496-FA2008.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 496/496H, History of Theory/Method. Fall 2008 ].
2008l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_113-FA2008.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2008 ].
2008m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Amsterdam2008Refs.html [Specific Pacific References for the ms Amsterdam} 23 January 2008]
2008n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Ryndam2008Refs.html [Specific Pacific References for the ms Ryndam} 6 January 2008]
2007a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH373FA2007TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 373, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 19.]
2007b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2007TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 17. ]
2007c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PearlHarbor2007.html [Pearl Harbor After Sixty-Six Years and World War II in the PTO (Pacific Theater of Operations)]. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, December 6.]
2007d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FALL2007TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 14. ]
2007e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH373FA2007TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 373, Self-Test #2 for Exam 3, November 9. ]
2007f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2007TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 9. ]
2007g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH600Fall2007.html [Into the 21st Century. For Professor William Loker's CSU, Chico ANTH 600 (Core Seminar in Anthropology) on October 16, 2007, at California State University, Chico.
2007h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FA2007TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, October 8.]
2007i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH373FA2007TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 373, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 28.]
2007j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2007TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 28.]
2007k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/HFAGalapagosAugust2007.html [Why Go To Th e Galápagos? Why Not! For the Humanities Center Friday Tertulia at CSU, Chico, August 31.]
2007l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_496-FA2007.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 496/496H, History of Theory/Method. Fall 2007 ].
2007m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_373-FA2007.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 373, Pacific Cultures. Fall 2007 ].
2007n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_113-FA2007.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2007 ].
2007o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH496FA2007/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, History of Theory/Method. Fall 2007 PowerPoint Overview].
2007p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH496FA2007/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 373, Pacific Cultures Fall 2007 PowerPoint Overview].
2007q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH113FA2007 [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2007 PowerPoint Overview].
2007r http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Gauguin2007Refs.html [Gauguin Pacific References} 25 June 2007]
2007s http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/JanMarch2007Refs.html [Specific Pacific References} 15 January 2007]
2006a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FALL2006TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 11.]
2006b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2006TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 11. ]
2006c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FALL2006TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 8. ]
2006d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FALL2006TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 3. ]
2006e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2006TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 3.]
2006f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FA2006TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 22.]
2006g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2006TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1,September 22.]
2006h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_496-FA2006.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 496/496H, Proseminar. Fall 2006 ].
2006i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_113-FA2006.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2006 ].
2006j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_SOSC303-FA2006[CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution . Fall 2006 ].
2006k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH496FA2006/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Proseminar Fall 2006 PowerPoint Overview].
2006l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH113FA2006 [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2006 PowerPoint Overview].
2006m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/SOSC303FA2006 [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution. Fall 2006 PowerPoint Overview].
2006n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/AprilMay2006CruiseDates.html [Discussion Points For "Lunch With A Scientist" for the classroom of Ms. Tina McAllister, Nelson Avenue Middle School, Oroville, CA, 95965, February 28).
2006o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/AprilMay2006CruiseDates.html [April->May 2006 Cruise Dates} Selected Historical Dates for the 21-Day Islands of the Pacific Theatre Cruise, Sydney to Osaka, April 26-May 17, Pacific Princess Itinerary K612].
2006p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/March2006PacificForum.html [Back to the Pacific Again (and Again and Again and Again)! For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, March 2.]
2006q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/May2005PacificCruiseTwo.html [Cruising Through World War II Battle Islands in the Pacific. For a presentation at The Lodge, Chico, California, January 4.]
2005a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FALL2005TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 12.]
2005b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2005TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, December 12. ]
2000c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PHIL321Fall2005.html [Urbanowicz on Darwin And Human Happiness. For a presentation in Professor Robert Stewart's PHIL 321 (ETHICS AND HUMAN HAPPINESS) at CSU, Chico, November 30.]
2005d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/May2005PacificCruise.html [A Pacific Cruise in 2005. For a presentation at the meeting of the Magellan Society, Chico, California, November 11.]
2005e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FARFall2005.html [CSU, Chico Faculty Activity Report for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005; November 1]
2005f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FALL2005TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 9. ]
2005g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FALL2005TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 4. ]
2005h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2005TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, November 4. ]
2005i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH600Fall2005.html [Reflections: For Professor William Loker's CSU, Chico ANTH 600 (Core Seminar in Anthropology), October 19.]
2005j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH496FA2005TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, October 3. ]
2005k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC303FA2005TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1, September 23. ]
2005h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH113FA2005TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Self-Test #1 for Exam 1,September 23.]
2005l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ENRMeetingSep2005.html [A Personal View of the Millennial Student. For a presentation at the Annual CSU, Chico Enrollment Management Meeting, September 16.]
2005m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldWarIIEnds2005.html [World War II Ends! For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, September 1.]
2005n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH496FA2005/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 496, Proseminar Fall 2005 PowerPoint Overview].
2005o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_496-FA2005.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 496/496H, Proseminar. Fall 2005].
2005p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/SOSC303FA2005 [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution. Fall 2005 PowerPoint Overview].
2005q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_SOSC303-FA2005.html [CSU, Chico SOSC 303, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution . Fall 2005].
2005r http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH113FA2005 [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2005 PowerPoint Overview].
2005s http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_113-FA2005.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 113, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2005].
2005t http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PacificPrincessMay2005.html [Pacific Princess Itinerary K515} 25-Day Islands of the Pacific Theater, Honolulu to Beijing.]
2005u http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103SP2005TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, May 19 ).
2005v http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2005TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam 3, May 19 ).
2005w http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Tahiti2005.html [Tahiti: From 1971 To 2004/2005! For a presentation at the Anthropology Forum at California State University, Chico, on May 5, 2005.]
2005x http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103SP2005TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, April 14 ).
2005y http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2005TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam 2, April 14 ).
2005z http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2005TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 24 ).
2005aa http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103SP2005TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 24).
2005bb http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_303-SP2005.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 303: Seminar in Cultural Anthropology: Charles R. Darwin. Spring 2005.]
2005cc http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/SOSC103SP2005 [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution. Spring 2005 PowerPoint Overview].
2005dd http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13SP2005 [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Cultural Anthropology Spring 2005 PowerPoint Overview].
2005ee http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_SOSC103-SP2005.html [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution . Spring 2005].
2005ff http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-SP2005.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity. Spring 2005].
2004a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103FA2004TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, December 13).
2004b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2004TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, December 13 ).
2004c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PHIL108FALL2004.htm [Charles Darwin And Religion (Fall 2004). CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, November 30].
2004d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldExplorationFall2004Darwin.htm [A Visual Intellectual History of Charles Darwin. For the monthly lecture series entitled "World Explorations" sponsored by The Museum of Anthropology, CSU, Chico, November 7.]
2004e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/TahitiAndEuropeansFa2004.html [Europeans in Tahiti: From Cook to Gauguin. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, November 4.]
2004f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/RECR50Fall2004.htm [Continuing Interests In "Gaming" (Fall 2004). CSU, Chico RECR [Recreation] 50, Hospitality industry, at CSU, Chico, October 29.]
2004g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2004TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 10).
2004h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103FA2004TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 5).
2004i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FALL2004TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 5 ).
2004j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CELTOctober2004Darwin.html [The Darwin Project: 1996 to 2004! For the Tenth Annual Conference on Learning and Teaching sponsored by CELT (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching), October 21-22, 2004, at CSU, Chico, October 21].
2004k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH300Fall2004.htm [Current Research interests: Fall 2004. CSU, Chico ANTH 300, October 20, 2004].
2004l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/VariousEvaluationData.html [Various Evaluation Data: 2004 -> 2000. September 13, 2004.]
2004m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FARFall2004.html [CSU, Chico Faculty Activity Report for the period of July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003. September 13, 2003).
2004n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2004TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, October 4).
2004o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2004TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, September 24 ).
2004p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103FA2004TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, September 24).
2004q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestFour.htm (Darwin Self-Test Four} September 17, 2004).
2004r http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13FA2004/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Cultural Anthropology Fall 2004 PowerPoint Overview].
2004s http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13FA2004/ [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution. Fall 2004 PowerPoint Overview].
2004t http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH296FA2004/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Proseminar Fall 2004 PowerPoint Overview].
2004u http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-FA2004.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar. Fall 2004].
2004v http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_SOSC103-FA2004.html [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution . Fall 2004].
2004w http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-FA2003.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2004].
2004x http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ManOfLaManchaSpring2004.html [Visuals from Man of La Mancha (of Spring 2004) @ CSU, Chico, directed by Professor Randy Wonzong, May 5-9, 2004].
2004y http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2004TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, May 20 ).
2004z http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2004TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, May 20 ).
2004aa http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinSP2004PHIL108.html (Charles R. Darwin and Moral Evolution. CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, May 5.)
2004bb http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2004TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, April 27).
2004cc http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2004TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, April 13 ).
2004dd http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2004TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, April 8 ).
2004ee http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PacificWAMLApril2004.html [Mapping The Islands of the Pacific: Islanders and Others (Including Cook and Darwin). For a presentation at the WAML (Western Association of Map Libraries) Conference, April 29-30, 2004, at CSU, Chico.]
2004ff http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/April2004WindChimeDarwin.html (Charles R. Darwin And His Research. For a presentation at Wind Chime of Chico (An Assisted Living & Special Care Community in affiliation with Enloe Health System), Chico, CA, April 14.)
2004gg http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Spring2004RECR50.html (Hospitality and Gambling = Big Business! (CSU, Chico RECR [Recreation] 50, Hospitality industry, at CSU, Chico, March 26).
2004hh http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2004TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, March 9).
2004ii http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2004TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 26 ).
2004jj http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2004TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 26 ).
2004kk http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2004XWORDOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, CrossWord #1 for Exam I, February 26 ).
2004ll http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2004TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 26 ).
2004mm http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2004TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 26 ).
2004nn http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Spring2004RECR198.html (Gaming or Gambling: Recreation or... Really Big Business! CSU, Chico RECR [Recreation] 198C, Leisure and Popular Culture, at CSU, Chico, February 24).
2004oo http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FourDarwinVideosFeb2004.html] (Four Darwin Videos from CSU, Chico. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forums, February 12 and 19, 2004).
2004pp http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH296SP2004/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Proseminar Spring 2004 PowerPoint Overview].
2004qq http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-SP2004.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar. Spring 2004].
2004rr http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH103SP2004/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Cultural Anthropology Spring 2004 PowerPoint Overview].
2004ss http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_103-SP2004.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Cultural Anthropology. Spring 2004).
2004tt http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13SP2004/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Cultural Anthropology Spring 2004 PowerPoint Overview].
2004uu http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-SP2004.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity. Spring 2004].
2004vv http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/TeachingAboutDarwinJan2004.html] (Teaching About Darwin. For a workshop sponsored by the Outreach Programs of the California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco) and held at the Museum of Anthropology at California State University, Chico, January 10, 2004).
2003a Charles Darwin: - Part Three: A Man of Science. [ ~Twenty-four Minute Video. Darwin from South America, through the Galápagos Islands, and back to England.] [http://rce.csuchico.edu/Darwin/RV/darwin4.ram] Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico. Available via the Internet with REAL PLAYER [http://www.real.com/player/index.html]
2003b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103FA2003TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, December 15 ).
2003c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2003TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, December 15).
2003d Motivating and Engaging Students in 'Jumbo' Classes (and smaller classes, too), Inside Chico State (December 4, 2003 Volume 34, Number 6), page 2 [http://www.csuchico.edu/pub/inside/04_jumbo.html] [archived at: http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/InsideChicoStateDec2003.html]; and see http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BSSLargeClasses.html].
2003e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2003TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam I, November 17).
2003f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103FA2003TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #2 for Exam I, November 7 ).
2003g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2003TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 7 ).
2003h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DestinationPolynesia.html [Destination Polynesia: Tahiti And The Neighbor Islands. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, November 6)
2003i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestThree.htm (Darwin 2003 Self-Test Three, October 31).
2003j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BSSLargeClasses.html [Motivating and Engaging Students in Large Classes: A Personal View Since 1973. For a presentation for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences "Conversation on Teaching Large Classes" sponsored by the "Best Teaching Practices Committee" of the College at CSU, Chico, October 30.]
2003k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2003TESTONE.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, October 6).
2003l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinFA2003PHIL137.html [Darwin, Sex, and Love. CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 137, Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love, at CSU, Chico, September 29).
2003m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/SOSC103FA2003TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I,September 26].
2003n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2003TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I,September 26 ).
2003o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FARFall2003.html [CSU, Chico Faculty Activity Report for the period of July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002; completed 15 September 2003.)
2003p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/30YearsPartTwoAnthroForums.html [The Anthropology Forum: 1973->2003, Part II. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 4, 2003.)
2003q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13FA2003/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Cultural Anthropology Fall 2003 PowerPoint Overview].
2003r http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/SOSC103FA2003/ [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution. Fall 2003 PowerPoint Overview].
2003s http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH296FA2003/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Proseminar Fall 2003 PowerPoint Overview].
2003t http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-FA2003.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar. Fall 2003].
2003u http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_SOSC103-FA2003.html [CSU, Chico SOSC 103, Cultural Concepts: Human Social Evolution . Fall 2003].
2003v http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-FA2003.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2003].
2003w http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2003TESThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, May 21/23, 2003 ).
2003x http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/30YearsOfAnthroForums.html [The Anthropology Forum: 1973->2003. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, May 15, 2003.)
2003y http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldExplorationSpring2003.htm [Some "Sacred" Cities of America (Part II): Honolulu (Hawai'i), Las Vegas (Nevada), and Washington, D.C. For the monthly lecture series entitled "World Explorations" sponsored by The Museum of Anthropology, CSU, Chico, May 4, 2003.]
2003z http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2003TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, April 28).
2003aa http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2003TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, April 18 ).
2003bb http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Sp2003ANTH16.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 16 (Lecture forPower And Scarcity), April 16, 2003].
2003cc http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Sp2003ANTH161.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 161 (Lecture for North American Indians), April 8, 2003].
2003dd http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WSJCancerOctober2000.html [Urbanowicz} California, Cancer, and 1999 Data From The Wall Street Journal, October 18, 2000, page CA4.] (2 April 2003)
2003ee http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BrechtSp2003.html [Dramaturge information for the CSU, Chico Spring 2003 production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle, Directed by Professor Sue Pate, CSU, Chico, March 4-9, 2003.] [Also performed as several characters; please see the web page for further information.]
2003ffe http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2003TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, March 12].
2003gg http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2003TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, February 28 ].
2003hh http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13SP2003/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Cultural Anthropology Spring 2003 PowerPoint Overview].
2003ii http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH296SP2003/ [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Proseminar Spring 2003 PowerPoint Overview].
2003jj http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-SP2003.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar. Spring 2003].
2003kk http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-SP2003.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity. Spring 2003].
2003ll http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Jan2003Hawai'iDarwin.html [Teaching As Theatre Once Again: Darwin in the Classroom (And Beyond). (For the Hawai'i International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawai'i, January 12-15, 2003.) [Also published in The Conference Proceedings, CD-ROM: ISSN#1541-5899.]
2003mm http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BookReviewKonnerWeb.html [Book review of The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit (Second Edition, 2002) by Melvin Konner]. Reports Of the National Center For Science Education (Berkeley, CA), Vol. 23, Number 1, Jan-Feb 2003, pages 43-44.
2002 http://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DarwinDayCollectionOneChapter.html In Darwin Day Collection One: The Single Best Idea Ever (2002) Edited by Amanda Chesworth et al. (Albuquerque, New Mexico: Tangled Bank Press), pages 67-70.
2002b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103FA2002TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, December 18).
2002c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2002TESTThree.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III, December 16 ).
2002d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinFA2002Phil108.htm [ CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, December 2).
2002e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/TheBirdsFall2002.html [Visuals From The Birds (of Fall 2002) @ CSU, Chico, directed by Professor Cynthia Lammel, November 12-17, 2002].
2002f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2002TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 13).
2002g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103FA2002TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 8).
2002h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2002TESTTwo.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II, November 8 ).
2002i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FALL2002ANTH162.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 162 (California Indians), at CSU, Chico. November 4, 2002].
2002j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/NewMoonFall2002.html [The New Moon (of Fall 2002) @ CSU, Chico, directed by Professor Joel Rogers, October 23-27, 2002, the Fall 2002 operetta; also performed as M. Beaunoir.
2002k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/AnthroForum2002.htm] [Comments on Pre-Contact Native American Metropolitan Sites.] (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, October 10.)
2002l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldExplorationFall2002.htm [Some Sacred "Cities" of the Americas (Part I): Cahokia (North America(, Chichén Itzá (The Yucatán), and Machu Pichu (Perú.] (For the monthly lecture series entitled "World Explorations" sponsored by The Museum of Anthropology, CSU, Chico), October 6.
2002m https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/aStoryof2027.html[A "Story" (Vision or nightmare?) of the Region in 2027.) (For classroom use at CSU, Chico, September 30.)
2002n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FARFall2002.html [CSU, Chico Faculty Activity Report for the period of July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002; submitted 30 September 2002.)
2002o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2002TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, September 30).
2002p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2002PuzzleOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Puzzle #1 for Exam 1, September 30).
2002q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103FA2002TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, September 20).
2002r http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2002TESTOne.htm [CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I, September 20).
2002s http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH300Fall2002.htm [Intellectual History Comments for ANTH 300 (Fall 2002).] (For CSU, Chico ANTH 300, Core Seminar in Anthropology, September 18.)
2002t http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH13FA2002/ (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity Fall 2002 PowerPoint Overview).
2002u http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH103FA2002/ (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Cultural Anthropology Fall 2002 PowerPoint Overview).
2002v http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PowerPoint/ANTH296FA2002/ (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Proseminar Fall 2002 PowerPoint Overview).
2002w http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-FA2002.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity. Fall 2002).
2002x http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_103-FA2002.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Cultural Anthropology. Fall 2002).
2002y http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-FA2002.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar. Fall 2002).
2002z http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2002TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #3 for Exam III).
2002aa http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2002TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III).
2002bb http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinSP2002Phil108.htm (For CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, May 6.)
2002cc http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2002TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2002dd http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2002TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2002ee http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2002TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2002ff Dramaturge and performed as "Abraham Kaplan" in the CSU, Chico Spring 2002 production of Elmer Rice's Street Scene (March 6-10), directed by Dr. Randy Wonzong.
2002gg http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinAAUWMarch.html [A Handout On Darwin: Countdown to 2008/2009.] [For the 9 March 2002 AAUW [American Association of University Women] Meeting in Chico, CA).
2002hh http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CELT2002-2003Proposal.html [Narrative for a CELT Intra-University Visiting Professorship Proposal for 2002-2003.] [Note} Not funded.]).
2002ii http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2002PuzzleOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Puzzle #1 for Exam I).
2002jj http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296SP2002TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2002kk http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH103SP2002TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2002ll http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2002TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2002mm http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinSacFeb2002.html [On Darwin: Countdown to 2008/2009]. For "Darwin Day" activities, sponsored by HAGSA [The Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area], Sacramento, California, February 10, 2002].
2002nn Teaching As Theatre. Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, Second Edition (2002), edited by Patricia Rice & David W. McCurdy, Editors (NJ: Prentice Hall), pages 147-149. [NOTE: This is a incredibly shortened version of 2000d below.]
2002oo http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-SP2002.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity, Spring 2002).
2002pp http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_103-SP2002.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 103, Cultural Anthropology. Spring 2002).
2002qq http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-SP2002.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar, Spring 2002).
2002rr http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/VestigesReview.html (Book review of Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, by James A. Secord [2000, University of Chicago Press] for Dr. Alan Rauch, Book Review Editor, Configurations, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0165.) Configurations, Volume 10, Number 1, Winter 2002, pages 195-198.
2001a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/qrbjuly2001review.htm (Book review of Biology, Evolution, and Human Nature, by Timothy H. Goldsmith and William F. Zimmerman [2001, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.] for Quarterly Review of Biology [University of Chicago Press for the State University of New York at Stony Brook]), December 2001, Vol. 76, No. 4: 493.
2001b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Gambling_into_the_21st_cent.pdf Gambling Into The 21st Century. Hosts And Guests Revisited: Tourism Issues of the 21st Century, edited by Valene Smith and Maryann Brent (NY: Cognizant Communication Corp.), pp. 69-79 (NOTE: this is based on a 1998 item, Gambling (Gaming) In The United States of America From An Anthropological Perspective. Presented at the 14th ICAES [International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences] Meetings on the Anthropology of Tourism for the 1998 Congress held at Williamsburg, Virginia, July 26-August 2, 1998.)
2001c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2001TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III).
2001d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestTwo.htm (Darwin 2001 Self-Test Two).
2001e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2001TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2001f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2001TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2001g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FA2001Unitarian.html (Darwin, Dying, and Death: Philosophical Perspective[s]. For a presentation at the Unitarian Fellowship of Chico, November 4.)
2001h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinForum2001.html (Darwin Then and Now: Who Was Charles Darwin? The Legacy of an Evolutionary Biologist. For the combined "Anthropology Forum" and CAPE [Center for Applied and Professional Ethics] session at CSU, Chico, October 25.)
2001i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinRetFacOct2001.html (Charles R. Darwin: Comments on a Life Fulfilled. For the CSU, Chico "Retired Faculty Association" Meeting, October 19.)
2001j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FARFall2001.html (CSU, Chico Faculty Activity Report for the period of July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001; submitted 1 October 2001.)
2001k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WordsOnAnnie'sBox.html (Essay on Annie's Box: Charles Darwin, his Daughter and Human Evolution, by Randal Keynes [2001]).
2001l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH296FA2001TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 296, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2001m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2001TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2001n http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-FA2001.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity, Fall 2001).
2001o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-FA2001.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar, Fall 2001).
2001p http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ChicoCityJune28.html (The Past, Present, And Future[s]: Part II. For a presentation to the City of Chico Management Team, Chico, CA. June 28, 2001.)
2001q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ChicoSIRJune25.html (The Past, Present, And Future[s]. For a presentation to SIR 110 [Sons In Retirement], Chico, CA. June 25, 2001.)
2001r http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CourtMarkSpecifics.html [A Few Mark Beal Specifics.] For the CSU, Chico Summer 2001 Court Theatre Memories and More (Sixth Annual Benefit Performance, June 10, 2001).
2001s http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CourtTheaJune10.html [On Mark A. Beal.] For the CSU, Chico Summer 2001 Court Theatre Memories and More (Sixth Annual Benefit Performance, June 10, 2001).
2001t Charles Darwin: - Part Two: The Voyage. [ ~Twenty-two Minutes. Darwin from South America, through the Galápagos Islands, and back to England.] [http://rce.csuchico.edu/darwin/RV/darwin3.ram] Edited by Ms. Vilma Hernandez and Produced by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico. Available via the Internet with REAL PLAYER [http://www.real.com/player/index.html].
2001u http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2000TESTThree.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III).
2001v http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SP2001DarwinPhil108.html (For CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, April 30.)
2001w http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/museumtourmarch2001.html (Brief Words Concerning Charles R. Darwin, for participants on the Chico Museum Getty Tour, March 21-24).
2001x http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SP2001ReddingCA.html (Where Does The Future Come From? (Subtitled, "You Haven't Seen Anything Yet!)]. For a presentation at the Redding, CA, Chamber of Commerce Luncheon meeting on March 12).
2001y http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/bethhenleyinfo.htm (Dramaturge information for the CSU, Chico Spring 2001 production of The Miss Firecracker Contest, Directed by Professor Sue Pate, April 3-8.)
2001z http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2001TESTTwo.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).).
2001aa http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/2002Narrative.html (March 5} Narrative for a CSU Research Proposal Application for Spring 2002 [Note} Not funded.]).
2001bb http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldExplorationSpring2001.html (For the Monthly Lecture Series entitled "World Explorations" sponsored by The Museum of Anthropology, California State University, Chico, March 4).
2001cc http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CorningSp2001.html (For a presentation to the 7th grade "Life Science" classroom of Ms. Tiana Scott, Maywood Middle School, Corning, CA, February 28).
2001dd The Galápagos Islands: Every Little Bit Helps. The Chico Enterprise-Record, Sunday, February 25 (page E1 and E2) and see: http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/GalapagosIslandsoilspill.htm.
2001ee http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2001TESTOne.htm (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2001ff http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Sp2001GEOS254.htm (For CSU, Chico GEOS [Geosciences] 154, on February 8.)
2001gg http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-SP2001.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity, Spring 2001).
2001hh http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-SP2001.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar, Spring 2001).
2000a Review of The War Of Dreams: Studies in Ethno Fiction (1999) by Marc Augé (translated by Liz Herron). Anthropology And Humanism (Published by the Society for Humanistic Anthropology), December 2000.
2000b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2000TESTThree.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III).
2000c Teaching As Theatre: Some Classroom Ideas, Specifically Those Concerning Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) for the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California (November 15-19).
2000d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/darwinvisualsonly.htm (Charles Darwin-Related Visuals Only) [November 10]).
2000e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2000TESTTwo.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2000f Charlie on Darwin (For the 26 October 2000 CELT [Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching]/Anthropology Forum Presentation at CSU, Chico [http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CELTFall26OctoberForum.html].
2000g South American Research: Words [with S. Urbanowicz]. (For the 6 October 2000 AAUW [American Association of University Women] Meeting in Chico, CA).
2000h California State University Faculty Activity Report for Charles F. Urbanowicz (for the period of July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000. http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FMIFall2000.html (submitted 2 October 2000).
2000i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Fa2000Anth138.html (For CSU, Chico ANTH 138, Culture and Tourism, September 20).
2000j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13FA2000TESTOne.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2000k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-FA2000.html (ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity, Fall 2000).
2000l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-FA2000.html (ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar, Fall 2000).
2000m http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SoAmGIslands.html (2000, South American visuals).
2000n Reprised the role of Reverend Dr. Harper for the CSU, Chico Fifth Annual Benefit Performance, Summer 2000 Court Theatre Potpourri, June 11, 2000, Chico, CA.
2000o http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2000TESTThree.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III)
2000p Computers And Technology Into The Twenty-First Century: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Again). (For the City of Chico Fire Department Workshop, Chico, California, May 5.)
2000q http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/URLs&Words1999-2000.html (Various URLs, and some Words, of Possible Interest to Individuals)
2000r Review of Unto Others: The Evolution And Psychology of Unselfish Behavior by Elliott Sober and David Sloan Wilson (1999 Harvard University Press Paperback edition) for Dr. Christian Perring, Book Review Editor for Metapyschology--Mental Health Net . [And please see http://mentalhelp.net/mhn/bookstore/db.cgi?db=books&uid=default&Title=Unto+Others&Author=&ISBN=&mh=10&keyword=&view_records=++Search+Now++
2000s Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882): Spring 2000 Miscellaneous Information.(For PHIL 108, Ethics And Human Happiness), at CSU, Chico, April 26.)
2000t Charlie On Darwin: Urbanowicz Presents Ideas Concerning Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) (Submitted for consideration for the Sixth Annual CELT [Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] Conference on Learning and Teaching at CSU, Chico, September 21 & 22.)
2000u http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2000TESTThree.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #3 for Exam III)
2000v http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2000TESTTwo.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #2 for Exam II).
2000w http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CeltMarch2000DarwinSubmiss.htm (CELT Proposal For Project Darwin: 2000-2001).
2000x Twenty-First Century Education Materials: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet! (For the "Leadership Chico -- Education Day" in Chico, California, March 15).
2000y Dramaturge and performed as "Dr. Gaspard Jadin" & "Sewer Man" in the Spring 2000 production of Jean Giraudoux's The Madwoman of Chaillot (March 7-12), directed by Dr. Sue Pate. Please click here for the makeup design of Dr. Jadin and here for how it was eventually portrayed; and please click here for the rendition of "Sewer Man" and here for how it was eventually portrayed.
2000z http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ChaillotWordsMisc.htm (Chaillot Words Miscellaneous for the March 7->12 CSU, Chico Production of The Madwoman of Chaillot)
2000aa http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/ANTH13SP2000TESTOne.htm (ANTH 13, Self-Test #1 for Exam I).
2000bb http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestOne.htm (Darwin 2000-2001 [Self]Test One).
2000cc http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_13-SP2000.html (ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity, Spring 2000).
2000dd http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-SP2000.html (ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar, Spring 2000).
2000ee Mnemonics, Quotations, Cartoons, And A Notebook: "Tricks" For Appreciating Cultural Diversity Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, Patricia Rice & David W. McCurdy, Editors (NJ: Prentice Hall), pages 132-140.
1999a Performed as "Reverend Dr. Harper" in the Fall 1999 Encore! (Chico Community Production) of Arsenic and Old Lace (November 5-14), directed by Gary Hibbs.
1999b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/URLs&Words1999-2000.html (Various URLs, and some Words, of Possible Interest to Individuals)
1999c Charles Darwin: - Part One: The Voyage. [ ~Twenty-two Minutes. Darwin sailing from England to South America.] [http://rce.csuchico.edu/darwin/RV/darwinvoyage.ram] Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico. Available via the Internet with REAL PLAYER [http://www.real.com/player/index.html].
1999d Performed as "Ferapont Spiridonych" in the CSU, Chico Spring 1999 production of Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters, directed by Dr. Sue Pate (March 10-14); please see here for Sandra L. Barton's rendition of Ferapont and how portrayed).
1999e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/3Sisters.htm (Phrases From Ferapont Spiridonych, also known as Charlie Urbanowicz: For The Production of Anton Chekov's Three Sisters, Directed by Dr. Sue Pate, March 10-14,1999.
1999f The Gamble of Gaming: Where Does It Go From Here? (For the AAUW [American Association of University Women] Meeting, Chico, CA, March 19.)
1999g [with Pamela Johnson, Madeline Keaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger] "Master Teacher Lunch Discussion: Using Small Groups To Enhance Active Learning." (California State University, Chico, March 8).
1999h California Gaming/Gambling After Proposition 5, Or "To Gamble Or Not To Gamble: Is There A Question? (Invited Speaker for the Sons In Retirement [SIRS] Luncheon Meeting in Paradise, CA, February 17.)
1999i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinMiscSep99.html (Charles R. Darwin: Fall 1999 Miscellaneous Information For Various Activities; including CSU, Chico ANTH 198 [Anthropology Forum: The Evolution of Digital Darwin, September 23)], CSU, Chico ANTH 300 [Core Seminar in Cultural Anthropology, September 30], and CSU, Chico PHIL 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, [November 17].
1999j Anthropology 13 Guidebook (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Human Cultural Diversity, Fall 1999)
1999k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_296-F99.html (CSU, Chico ANTH 296/296H, Proseminar, Fall 1999)
1999l 1998-1999 Learning Productivity Project Final Report (Spring Semester, May 11).
1999m LPP (Learning Productivity Projects) MISCELLANEOUS (CSU, Chico May 10).
1999n Urbanowicz on Darwin (Again!) For PHIL 108 & MATH 154 (CSU, Chico, May 3).
1999o Phrases From Ferapont Spiridonych [Also Known As Charlie Urbanowicz]
1999p Anthropology 13 Notebook (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Spring 1999).
1999q K12 1992-1998 Visuals (Also, please see Yvonne Loomis, 1999, "Computer Crash? Take A Class" in The Orion, Vol. 40, Issue 2, February 3, page 16, for a related item.)
1999r http://hyperion.csuchico.edu:80/catalog/cat99/front/master-curbanowicz.html [Urbanowicz as one of five "Master Teachers" for 1997-1999 Academic Years] from the 1999-2001 University Catalog [also see http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1999-2001CatalogDescrip.html].
1998a Darwin: From The Origin (1859+), To The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation To Sex (1871), And The Expression of Emotions...(1872) To Today! For CSU, Chico PHIL 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, December 2.
1998b Comments On Tasmanian Publications of 1884 and 1973/1974 (November 30).
1998c [with Pamela Johnson, Madeline Keaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger] "Master Teacher Lunch Discussion: How Is It Going First Year Faculty?" (California State University, Chico, November 11).
1998d Hawai'i Into The Millennium. (Invited Speaker for the HI-12 Club Luncheon Meeting in Paradise, CA, October 27.)
1998e Comments on The Gaming Industry. For CSU, Chico RECR [Recreation] 232, Commercial Recreation and Tourism, at CSU, Chico, October 8 [and please see http://www.hotel-online.com/Neo/News/PressReleases1999_2nd/Apr99_Urbanowicz1.html].
1998f Charles F. Urbanowicz On Charles R. Darwin. For CSU, Chico ANTH 300, Core Seminar in Cultural Anthropology, October 6.
1998g Proposition 5 And Native American Gaming Issues. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, October 8.)
1998h Urbanowicz on Darwin. (Prepared for Homecoming & Parents Day, CSU, Chico, October 3.)
1998i Darwin And Modernism: From The Industrial Revolution Through The Origin Of Species And Beyond! (For CSU, Chico ART 197 (The Avant-Garde in the Twentieth Century: The Visual Arts), September 30.
1998j Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882): Potential Founding Father of Modernism? (PowerPoint related item for CSU, Chico ART 197), September 30.
1998k [with Pamela Johnson, Madeline Keaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger] "Master Teacher Lunch Discussion: Disruptive Behavior In The Classroom" (California State University, Chico, September 29 and 30).
1998l Anthropology 13 Notebook (CSU, Chico ANTH 13, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Fall 1998).
1998m Gambling (Gaming) In The United States of America From An Anthropological Perspective. Presented at the 14th ICAES [International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences] Meetings on the Anthropology of Tourism for the 1998 Congress held at Williamsburg, VA, July 29-August 2, 1998. [Prior to the Congress, assisted Dr. Valene Smith, Professor Emerita in theDepartment of Anthropology, CSU, Chico, with programming a five-day Symposium for the 14th ICAES. The overall Congress theme was "The 21st Century: The Century Of Anthropology."]
1998n Performed as "Russian Intruder" in See How They Run (one of the CSU, Chico 1998 Summer Court Theatre ensemble productions), directed by Dr. Sue Pate (July 7-11).
1998o [with Pamela Johnson, Madeline Keaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger] A Master Teacher Program: One University's Experience in Valuing Teachers. For the 18th Annual Conference of The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, June 24-27).
1998p Charlie on Darwin (May 1998 15 Minute Videotape Report for the Office of the Provost) (Prepared as part of the CSU, Chico 1997-1998 "Master Teacher" report, May 8).
1998q CHICO-L WWW Sites (From February 10, 1998 through May 7, 1998) [For Robert L. Hannigan, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, CSU, Chico].
1998r CHICO-L DATES (From February 10, 1998 through May 7, 1998) [For Robert L. Hannigan, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, CSU, Chico].
1998s CHICO-L QUOTES (From February 12, 1998 through May 7, 1998) [For Robert L. Hannigan, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, CSU, Chico].
1998t One Anthropologist Looks At The Future Of Education And Technology. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, April 30.)
1998u [Member of the ensemble in] "Special Presentation" for the 27th Staff Council Spring Awards Luncheon (CSU, Chico, April 23.) [Important Note: While some might not consider this as "professional" as other items, this presentation did require planning and was presented before more than 500 colleagues at California State University, Chico.]
1998v Folklore Concerning Charles R. Darwin. Presented at the 1998 Meetings of the Southwestern Anthropological Society and The California Folklore Society, Sacramento, CA, April 16-18. [Also please see Chantal Lamers, 1998, "Darwin's Insight Evolves To CD-ROM" in The Orion, Vol. 40, Issue 2, February 4, page 1 and page 8, for a related item.]
1998w [with Pamela Johnson, Madeline Keaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger] in the "Master Teacher Brown Bag" Discussion: "Dealing With Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom" (March 18).
1998x "Comments" presented at "The Web vs. Shelf" Public Forum sponsored by the Butte County Literacy Council, CAPE (the Center for Applied and Professional Ethics), KCHO, and KIXE (Northstate Public Television), California State University, Chico, CA (March 18).
1998y Twenty-Five/Twenty-Five, or, Hindsight Is Always Somewhat "Perfect" (But Perhaps We Can Invent The Future!) Invited Speaker for the Professional Development Committee Meeting of PAUSE'98 (with the theme of "Guess Who's Coming To College In The Millennium?), Clear Lake, CA (January 8-9).
1997a When Does It End? Urbanowicz & "Gaming" (Again!). (For the Northern California Geographical Society Meeting, Chico, CA, November 9.)
1997b The Enthusiasm of Teaching [Urbanowicz as one of five "Master Teachers" for 1997-1999 Academic Years] Inside Chico, Vol 26, No. 7 (October 23), page 2; and see http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/MT1997Essay.html.
1997c [with Pamela Johnson, Madeline Keaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger] "Beginnings and Endings." For the Brown Bag Lunch with the Master Teachers 97-99. CSU, Chico, October 16.
1997d Invited Speaker for the "Soroptimist International Youth Forum" Meeting, with the Theme of "Immigration - Benefit or Burden: A Discussion On Cultural Diversity" (Chico, CA), October 4.
1997e Camping Is Great: But Nothing Beats Home: Across The USA In Pursuit Of Educational Technology. Inside Chico, Vol 26, No. 3 (September 25), Page 2.
1997f Spring 1997 Sabbatical Institutions Visited (April 8->May 24, 1997).
1997g "Darwin Continues To Evolve: Urbanowicz On Darwin (Again!)." (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 11.)
1997h Invited Speaker and handout for the "Feather River College Development Workshop" at California State University, Chico (organized by the Technology and Learning Program at CSU, Chico), August 12 & 13.
1997i Charles Darwin: Reflections - Part one: The Beginning. [ ~Seventeen Minutes: Darwin in England]. [http://rce.csuchico.edu/darwin/RV/darwinreflections.ram]. Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico. Available via the Internet with REAL PLAYER [http://www.real.com/player/index.html].
1997j Why Gamble? Why Not! (For the Retired Public Employees Association Meeting, Chico, CA), March 6.
1996a Urbanowicz on Darwin. The Chico Anthropological Society Papers, Number 16, pages 55-114..
1996b [with Donna Crowe] Fourteen Second Darwin Quick Time Movie.
1996c To Gamble, Or Not To Gamble? Is There A Question? (For the Chico Breakfast Lions Club Meeting, Chico, CA, December 10.)
1996d An Anthropologist looks At The Geography of Gaming. (For the Northern California Geographical Society Meeting, Chico, CA, December 8.)
1996e Performed as a "waiter" in La Bohème in the CSU, Chico Fall 1996 production, directed by Professor Gwen Curatilo (November 12-17).
1996f [with Donna Crowe and Kathy Fernandes] Darwin Evolves: Multimedia (Videotape+) For Instructional Purposes.(For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, November 7.)
1996g [with Donna Crowe] Charles Darwin: Reflections. (For CSU, Chico THEA 124, October 24.)
1996h [with Kathy Fernandes] Personal Views Of TLP: Teaching, Learning, Playing, And New Technologies [Part 2]. University Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 7 (October 9), page 2.
1996i [with Kathy Fernandes] Personal Views Of TLP: Teaching, Learning, Playing, And New Technologies [Part 1]. University Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 6 (October 2), page 1.
1996j [with Kathy Fernandes] Personal Views Of TLP: Teaching, Learning, Playing, And New Technologies. (For the Conference sponsored by CELT [Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] CSU, Chico, September 20-21, September 21.
1996k [with Ron Pike, Ian Turnbull, Kathy Fernandes and Nanci Ellis] Personal Views of TLP Via MBONE: Teaching, Learning, Playing, And New Technologies. (For the Conference sponsored by CELT [Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] CSU, Chico, September 20-21, September 21.
1996l[with Turhon Murad] Anthropology Information/Fall 1996
1996m Generic Syllabus (CSU, Chico Fall 1996)
1996n ANTH 198A Syllabus (CSU, Chico Fall 1996)
1996o Urbanowicz on Darwin, [http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Darwin/DarwinSem-S95.html] (CSU, Chico Spring 1995/Fall 1996)
1996p A Gamble Or A Game: Which Is It? (For the AAUW [American Association of University Women] Meeting in Chico, California, May 10.)
1996q Gambling or Gaming: Which Is It? (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, April 11.)
1996r Pagemill For TLP. (For a TLP [Technology and Learning Program] Workshop at CSU, Chico, March 27.)
1996s Performed as "Dr. Amos D. Keller" in Inherit The Wind in the CSU, Chico Spring 1996 production, directed by Dr. Randy Wonzong (March 12-17).
1996t [with Kathy Fernandes and Jennifer Bedford] TLP/BSS Workshop. (For a TLP [Technology and Learning Program] Workshop at CSU, Chico, February 28.)
1996u ANTH 13 Syllabus (CSU, Chico Spring 1996)
1995a Structured Serendipity Through The World Wide Web. (For a TLP [Technology and Learning Program] Workshop at CSU, Chico, October 10.)
1995b Handout Number 1: Yesterday's Methods With Today's Technology or Another Aspect of Education in the 1990s: S2T2W3 [Structured Serendipity Through The World Wide Web]. (For the "Master Classroom Utilization" Session at the "Excellence in Learning and Teaching" Conference sponsored by CELT [The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] at CSU, Chico, September 15, 1995.)
1995c Handout Number 2: http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/celt/celt-seo.html (For the "Master Classroom Utilization" Session at the "Excellence in Learning and Teaching" Conference sponsored by CELT [The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] at CSU, Chico, September 15, 1995.)
1995c ANTH 13 Syllabus (CSU, Chico Fall 1995)
1995d Urbanowicz on CYBERSPACE/WORLD WIDE WEB. (For A Department of Anthropology Workshop at California State University, Chico, March 17.)
1995e [with Billl Lerch] Experience that Counts: From Anthropology To.... [For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, February 9.]
1994a Review of Islanders of the South: Production, Kinship and Ideology in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga (1993) by Paul Van Der Grijp (translated by Peter Mason). Ethnos (Stocklhom), Vol. 59, No. 3-4: 276-278.
1994b On Darwin (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 15.)
1994c The Gaming Heritage: A Natural For Some (And Problems For Others?). (For the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Cancun, Mexico, April 13-17.)
1994d Comments After The Iridium Session @ Cancun: Two (Or More?) Cultures? (For the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Cancun, Mexico, April 13-17.)
1994e Charles R. Darwin. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, February 10.)
1993a Charles Darwin: The Man At Home and Abroad. (For the Meeting of the Northern California Geographical Society, December 5.)
1993b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Darwin116.html [Charles R. Darwin: Happy 116th Anniversary. For the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 11.
1993chttp://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FSep-30-93.html [Peoples & Cultures of the Pacific: Okeania est omnis divisa in partes tres. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 30).
1993d [with T. Murad] Anthropology - An Exciting And Diverse Discipline. Chico Status (CSU, Chico), Vol. 4, No. 1: 2-3.
1993e To BS Or Not To BS? Satellite Communications, May, page 10.
1993f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/JOUR116.html [Oceania & The Pacific for journalism 116: International Communications In The Global Arena. For CSU, Chico JOUR 116 (International Communications In The Global Arena) at CSU, Chico, March 25.
1993g Charles R. Darwin (70" ITFS [Instructional Television For Students]Videotape), February 10 [available in the Department of Anthropology at California State University, Chico].
1993h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/Feb11-93.html [Charles R. Darwin: 1809-1882. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, February 11.)
1992 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Pub_Papers/4field.html [Four-Field Commentary]. Published in the Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association, 1992, Volume 33, Number 9, page 3.
1991a Prelude to Pearl Harbor: Operation Hawai'i. Discussion Paper 91-5 in Discussion Paper Series (College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, CSU, Chico).
1991b Another Look at Tourism With Regards to Tonga. Hosts and Guests, edited by V. Smith (Tokyo: Keisó Shobo), pp. 147-164 [Japanese Translation of 1989a].
1991c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/UrbanowiczOnTonga-1991.pdf [Tonga. Encyclopedia of World Cultures, edited by D. Levinson (Boston: Hall-Macmillan), pp. 336-339].
1991d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/UrbanowiczOnMarconi-1901.pdf [Marconi Receives the First Transatlantic Telegraphic Radio Transmission. Great Events From History II: Science And Technology Series, Volume 1 - 1888-1910, edited by Frank N. Magill )Pasadena/Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press), pages 128-133.]
1991e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/UrbanowiczOnSputnik I-1957.pdf [Sputnik 1, The First Artificial Satellite is Launched. Great Events From History II: Science And Technology Series, Volume 4 - 1952-1969, edited by Frank N. Magill )Pasadena/Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press), pages 1545-1550.]
1991f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/Dec1991.html [Prelude to Pearl Harbor: Operation Hawai'i. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, December 5.)[NOTE: For a much lengthier paper, please see: http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/OperationHawaii.pdf.]
1991g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Unpub_Papers/1991PacificScienceCongress.html [Information Technology for the Pacific Basin. For the 17th Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawai'i, May 27-June 2.)
1991h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/London1991.html [London: Legacy of Legends. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, May 9.)
1991i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/luncheon.html [The Icing on the Cake. For the 20th Staff Council Spring Awards Luncheon, CSU, Chico, April 19.) [Important Note: While some might not consider this as "professional" as other items, this presentation did require planning and was presented before more than 500 colleagues at California State University, Chico.]
1991j [with C. Louis Nevins] Extra-Terrestrial Education: Not Science Fiction at All. (For the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., February 14-19).
1990a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CharlesRDarwin.pdf [Charles R. Darwin: My Life And My Death. Discussion Paper 90-1 in Discussion Paper Series, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, CSU, Chico.]
1990b State-By-State Membership Breakdown for SSPI [Society for Satellite Professionals International] 1990. The Orbiter, March-April, page 9.
1990c [with T. Utsumi] Methods of Global Education for Third World Countries. (For the Fifteenth World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education, Caracas, Venezuela, November 4-10.)
1990d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CharlesRDarwin.pdf [Charles R. Darwin: My Life and My Times. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, October 4.)
1990e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1990DossierOnDarwinLetter.html [A Dossier on Darwin: A Letter to the Editor; originally published in the Chico [California] Enterprise-Record on September 26, 1990, page 4B.]
1990f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/March1990.html [Perspectives on Science Fiction and Science Fact, For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, March 8.)
1989, https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Tourism_in_Tonga_revisited.pdf Tourism in Tonga Revisited: Continued Troubled Times? Hosts And Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, edited by V. Smith, 2nd Edition (University of Pennsylvania), pp. 105-117.]
1989b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Satellites.pdf [Satellites: The Global Village and Tele-Education. Space 30: A Thirty Year Overview of Space Applications and Exploration, edited by Pelton et. al (Alexandria, VA), pp. 90-105.
1989c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/Hawaii1989.html [The Islands of Hawai'i: 750A.D. to 1989. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 21.)
1988a Review of Early Tonga as the Explorers Saw It: 1616-1810 (1987) by E. N. Ferdon. The American Anthropologist, Vol. 90, No. 4: 1021.
1988b [with L.J. Wright & R.F. Meuter] Educational Telecommunications fromCalifornia. A Case Study from California State University, Chico. Telecommunications And Pacific Development: Alternatives for the Next Decade: PTC'88 Proceedings, Edited by Wedemeyer and Ogden (Honolulu), pp. 65-69.
1988a Report on Some Current Projects: California State University, Chico. (For the Workshop at EDUCOM'88 on The Establishment of a Global/Pacific [Electronic] University Consortium, Washington, D.C., October 29-30.)
1988b Comments on Non-Entertainment Satellite Video. (For the 10th Annual Satellite Communications Users Conference, Las Vegas, September 20-22.)
1988c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Unpub_Papers/1988PTC.html [The Potential of the Pacific: Some Suggestions From California State University, Chico. For the 1988 Annual Meeting of The Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, Hawai'i, February 15-19.)
1988d [with L.J. Wright & R.F. Meuter] Educational Telecommunications from California: A Case Study from California State University, Chico. (For the 1988 Annual Meeting of The Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, Hawai'i, February 15-19.)
1987a PTC & SSP. CITE [Committee for International Tele-Education Newsletter (The Ohio State University), Vol. 9: 4.
1987b [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Teleconferencing Success at California State University, Chico. Teleconference: The Business Communication Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 1: 42-44.
1987c [with L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter] Distance Education From A Non-Digital Source: Some Suggestions For Digital Designers. Advanced Information and Communication Systems in Canadian Studies, edited by A. Bor (CSU, Chico), pages 12-30. [Identical to 1986g below.]
1987d The Availability of an M.S. Degree in Computer Science via Satellite from California State University, Chico. (For the 12th Worldwide Military Services Education Conference, University of Maryland, MD, November 16-19.)
1987e From Morse Through Marconi and McLuhan: The Global Village Today. (For the Annual Conference of the Society for Satellite Professionals International, Washington, D.C., October 14-16.)
1986a [with L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter] Teleconferencing Demystified. Telephony, Volume 210, No. 19 (May 12): 48-49.
1986b [with L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter] California State University, Chico'sMaster's Degree in Computer Science Live Via Satellite. World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education (edited by Grayson and Biedenbach), Volume 2: 535-541.
1986c [with C.V. Genthe] Technical Communication Through Innovative Telecommunications At California State University, Chico. Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Communication Conference, pp. 222-225.
1986d [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Telecommunication At California State University, Chico. 1986 Compendium On Uses Of Television in Engineering Education in the United States (edited by Chenette and Biedenbach).
1986e [with L.J. Wright and C.L. Nevins] Adapting Teaching Style/Methods To Video Medium. Telcoms (University of Wisconsin, Madison), page 3.
1986f [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Teleconferencing Success At California State University, Chico. Teleconference: The Business Communication Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 1: 17-21.
1986g [with L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter] Distance Education From A Non-Digital Source: Some Suggestions For Digital Designers. Telecommunications--Asia, Americas, Pacific: PTC'86 Proceedings, edited by Wedemeyer and Pennings (Honolulu), pp. 346-353.
1986h [with L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter] Distance Education From A Non-Digital Source: Some Suggestions For Digital Designers. (For the 1988 Conference at CSU, Chico, on "Advanced Information and Communication Systems in Canadian Studies" (December 4-5). [Identical to 1986o below.]
1986i [with L.J. Wright and R. F. Meuter) Telecommunications in Higher Education. (For the 1986 Public Service Satellite Consortium Conference, Washington, D.C., September 29-30.)
1986j [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Telecommunications Update From California State University, Chico. (For the First Annual Conference on "Educational Telecommunications in the Eastern Caribbean," College of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, August 6-7.)
1986k [with L. Fisk] Live Interactive M.S. Program in Computer Science Via Satellite. (For the 1986 National Computer Conference, Las Vegas, June 15-18.)
1986l [with C.V. Genthe] Technical Communications Through Innovative Telecommunications at California State University, Chico. (For the 33rd International Technical Communications Conference, Detroit, Michigan, May 11-14.)
1986m [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] California State University, Chico's Master's Degree in Computer Science Live via Satellite. (For the 1986 World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, May 7-9.)
1986n [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Teleconferencing Classes FromCalifornia State University, Chico. (For the 71st Annual Conference of The National University Continuing Education Association Portland, Oregon April 26-30.)
1986o (with L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter) Distance Education From A Non-Digital Source: Some Suggestions For Digital Designers. (For the 1986 Annual Meeting of The Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, Hawai'i, January 12-15.)
1985a Toward a Digital World. CITE [Committee for International Tele-Education] Newsletter (The Ohio State University), Vol. 4: 2-3.
1985b [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] California State University, Chico. 1985 Compendium On Uses Of Television in Engineering Education in the United States (edited by Chenette and Biedenbach), pp. 28-31.
1985c [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] An M.S. In Computer Science Live Via Satellite From California State University, Chico. (For the Fifth Annual Meeting of TELECON V, The Teleconferencing Users Conference, Anaheim, California, October 21-23.)
1985d [with R.F. Meuter] Telecommunications At California State University, Chico. (For the 1985 Meeting of the California School Board's Annual Northern Counties Conference, Chico, CA, October 11-12.)
1985e [with W.T. Lerch, R.F. Meuter, and L.J. Wright] Cooperative Education at California State University, Chico via Satellite Technology. (For the 4th World Conference on Cooperative Education, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2-6.)
1985f [with R.F. Meuter, L.J. Wright, and A.J. Roberts] Distance Education From California State University, Chico, USA via ITFS [Instructional Television For Students]/Microwave and Satellite Technology. (For the 13th International Council for Distance Education World Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 13-20.)
1985g (with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Comments on Telecommunications from CSU, Chico. (For the International Teleconferencing Association and National University Teleconference Network Meeting of June 11.)
1985h [with R.F. Meuter, L.J. Wright, and A.J. Roberts] Off-Campus Communication From California State University, Chico via ITFS and Satellite Technology. (For the 5th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Honolulu, Hawai'i, May 23-27.)
1985i [with R.F. Meuter, L.J. Wright, and A.J. Roberts] Educational ExcellenceThrough Telecommunications a California State University, Chico. (For the 4th International Conference on New Concepts in Higher Education, London, England, May 15-17.)
1985j [with R.F. Meuter] Overcoming Space and Cultural Isolation: Educational Excellence Through Telecommunications at CSU, Chico. (For the Annual Meeting of the California Geographical Society and the Southwestern Anthropological Association, April 26-28, Chico, CA).
1984a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/GoodScienceFiction.pdf [The Role of "Good" Science Fiction and Space Applications and The Future. Space and Society: Challenges and Choices, edited by Anaejionu et al.(American Astronautical Society, San Diego, CA), Vol. 59: 309-329.]
1984b [with R.F. Meuter, L.J. Wright, and A.J. Roberts] External Degree Programs atCalifornia State University, Chico via ITFS and Satellite Technology. (For the 5th National Conference on External Degree Programs, the American Council on Education, Chicago, IL, November 1-2.)
1984c [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Partnerships Through Innovative Telecommunications at California State University, Chico. (For the Conference on "Building Partnerships for Quality Education in Rural America" sponsored by the United States Department of Education, Washington, D.C., June 28-30.)
1984d SF > SF or 1984/2001 = .9915042. (For the 2nd Annual Meeting of "Contact: A Symposium of Science Fiction And Anthropology" at Santa Cruz, CA, May 4-6.)
1984e [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Telecommunications At CSU,Chico: ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] and Satellite Activities. (For the 12th Annual Conference of the California Colleges and Military Educators Association, Asilomar, CA, March 13-15.)
1984f Comments from an Anthropological Perspective for Pacific Telecommunications. (For the 1984 Annual Conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, Hawai'i, January 8-11.)
1983a [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Closed-Circuit Education Television (ITFS [Instructional Television For Students]) in Northeastern California. Reaching New Students Through New Technologies, edited by L.N. Purdy (Kendall/Hunt), pp. 158-164.
1983b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1983TonganPaper.html [Christian Missionaries in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga: Late 18th Century & Early 19th Century Activities. For the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, San Francisco, California, for the Symposium entitled "Missions and Missionaries in the Pacific: An Overview" on December 28.)
1983c Comments on Megatrends. (For "Career Futures Week" at CSU, Chico, November 7.)
1983d [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] ITFS [Instructional Television For Students]. (For the 8th Annual Conference of the Public Service Satellite Consortium and Services by Satellite, Washington, D.C., October 19-21.)
1983e A Pacific Anthropologist's View. (For the CSU, Chico Symposium entitled "Margaret Mead [1901-1978] and Her Critics" at the Anthropology Forum, CSU, Chico, May 12.)
1983f Science Fiction and Fact: Science Futures-Science Fun. (For The Region II Curriculum Committee Meeting on "Preparing for the Future...The Future Is Now" at Beale Air Force Base, CA, April 15.)
1983g Science Fiction and Anthropology: Some Perspectives and Comments. (For the 1st Annual Meeting of "Contact: A Symposium of Science Fiction and Anthropology" at Santa Cruz, CA, April 8-10.)
1982a [with R.F. Meuter and L.J. Wright] Closed-Circuit Television (ITFS) [Instructional Television For Students] in Northeastern California: The 33,000 Square Mile Campus. (For the 4th General Assembly of the World Future Society, Washington, D.C., July 18-22.)
1982b The Role of "Good" Science Fiction and Space Applications. (For the Conference on "Space and Society" at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, April 14-16.)
1981a Review of The Nobility and the Chiefly Tradition in the Modern Kingdom of Tonga (1980) by G.E. Marcus. Pacific Studies, Vol. 5, No. 114-116.
1981b Anthropologists in Space: Science Fiction? Science Fact? Discussion Paper 81-6 in Discussion Paper Series (College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, CSU, Chico).
1981c Pacific Women: Some Polynesian Examples. Discussion Paper 81-1 in Discussion Paper Series (College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, California State University, Chico).
1981e Information As Resource: An ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] Model From Northeastern California. (For the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, December 3-6.)
1981f The Anthropologist in Space: Science Fiction and Science Fact. (For the 5th Conference on Space Manufacturing, Princeton University, NJ, May 18-21.)
1981g CE, TV, and Career Directions. (For the Meeting of ACSA [Association of California School Administrators], Yreka, April 6.)
1981h The Anthropology of the Future. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, March 19.)
1981i THX 1138: This Was Before Star Wars? (For the 1981 Fine Arts Festival, California State University, Chico, March 17.)
1981j The Department of Education at California State University, Chico and ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] Involvement: Spring1975-Spring 1981. (For The Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing, Sacramento, February 5.)
1980a On "Futures" and Some Ideas Concerning Anthropology. Future Trends, Vol. 10, No. 4: 2-6.
1980b On "Futures" and Some Ideas Concerning Anthropology. Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, Vol. 5, No. 1: 7-11.
1980c [with D. Crowe and A. Morgan] Weaverville (Sixty second Public ServiceAnnouncement for ITFS [Instructional Television For Students], 3/4" videotape, California State University, Chico).
1980d Ethnographic Esoterica or Electronic Ethnography: Have We A Choice? (For the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., December 3-7.)
1980e Fall 1980 ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] at California State University, Chico. (For the California Media and Library Educators Association State Conference, Sacramento, CA, November 20-23.)
1980f ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] From California State University, Chico. (For the Workshop of the California Correctional Center, Susanville, CA, held at California State University, Chico, November 20.)
1980g [with L.J. Wright] Diversity in Northeastern California: Television as a Partial Solution to the Solution. (For the 3rd Annual Conference of the World Future Society's Education Section, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass., November 6-8.)
1980h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1980PolynesianPaper.html [Women In The Pacific: Some Polynesian Examples. For The "Asia and Pacific" Section of the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory, San Francisco, California, October 23-25.)
1980i Tourism in The Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga: 1970-1980. (For the Annual Meeting of the California American Studies Association, University of California, Berkeley, September 4-7.)
1980j Comments on "Prospects for the Development of Telecommunications Systems in the Peoples Republic of China." (For the First International Business Conference, California State University, Chico, April 23.)
1980k Space Industrialization. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, April 19.)
1980l On "Futures" and Some Ideas Concerning Anthropology. (For the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver, Colorado, March 19-22.)
1980m Some Comments on "Future(s)." (For the Area II Conference of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society [International Society of Women Educators Conference], Chico, CA, March 15.)
1979a Change in Rank and Status in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga. Political Anthropology: The State of the Art, edited by S. L. Seaton and J. M. Claessen (Mouton: The Hague), pp. 225-242 [identical to 1975a].
1979b Why Science Fiction and Anthropology? Why Yes! Discussion Paper 79- 4 in Discussion Paper Series (College of Behavioral and Social Science, California State University, Chico).
1979c Comments on Tongan Commerce, With Reference to Tourism and Traditional Life. Pacific Viewpoint, Vol. 20, No. 2: 179-184.
1979d Star War's Won't Do: How To Use Science Fiction. Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 2: 3-9.
1979e Why Science Fiction and Anthropology? Why Yes. (For the Annual Meeting of the Science Fiction Research Association, Lake Tahoe, CA, June 22-24.)
1979f The Religions of Polynesia, With An Emphasis on Hawai'i. (For the Religious Studies Club, California State University, Chico, March 23.)
1979g Preliminary Remarks on the Cost Effectiveness of ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] at California State University, Chico. ("Reaching the New Student Conference" of the Coast Community College District, San Francisco, CA, February 22-23.)
1979h University Television (ITFS [Instructional Television For Students]) in Northeastern California. (For the "School Resource Center for Northeastern California" Meeting in Red Bluff, CA, January 10.)
1978a Science Fiction/Science Fact. Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 3: 3-13.
1978b Brève note sur l'inflation, le tourisme et le Pétrole au Royaume polynésien des Iles Tonga. Journal de la Société des Océanistes, Vol. 36, No. 60:137-138.
1978c Review of A Polynesian Village: The Process of Change In the Village of Hoi, Tonga (1977) by P. Tupouniua. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 87, No. 3: 288-289.
1978d http://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/CulturalImplications-1978.pdf Cultural Implications of Extraterrestrial Contact and the Colonization of Space. The Industrialization of Space: Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, edited by Richard A. Van Patten, Paul Siegler, and E.V.B. Stearns (American Astronautical Society, San Diego, CA), Vol. 36, Part 2, pages 785-797; originally presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Astronautical Society, San Francisco, CA, October 18-20, 1977.)
1978e Cultural Implications of Extraterrestrial Contact and the Colonization of Space. Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, Vol. 2, No. 4: 13-18.
1978f The Philosophical Implications of Science Fiction for the Teaching of Anthropology. Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, No. 2: 8-14.
1978g Micronesians in Northeastern California: Some Ideas on Education for the Future. New Neighbors....Islanders in Adaptation, edited by MacPherson et al. (Center for South Pacific Studies, UC Santa Cruz), pp. 191-204.
1978i University Television in Northeastern California: A Partial Solution for the Future? (For the 1st Annual Conference of the World Future Society's Education Section, University of Houston at Clear Lake City, Texas, October 20-22.)
1978j ITFS [Instructional Television For Students] Activities at California State University, Chico: Theory and Practise. (The Western Education Society for Telecommunications Conference, Sacramento, CA, October 3-5.)
1978k Speculations on Outer Space from an Anthropological Perspective. (For the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, September 4-8.)
1978l Micronesians in Northeastern California: Some Ideas on Education for the Future. ( For the Third Annual Conference on "Pacific Islander Migration and Adaptation," UC, Santa Cruz, May 4-7.)
1978m Science Fiction/Science Fact: Anthropology and Outer Space. (For the Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Anthropology, California State University, Los Angeles, April 15-16.)
1978n The Philosophical Implications of Science Fiction for the Teaching of Anthropology. (For the Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Anthropology, California State University, Los Angeles, April 15-16) [identical to 1977a].
1978o Comments on Continuing Education at California State University, Chico. (For the tatewide Marketing Workshop at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, January 12.)
1977a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ScienceFictionTeaching1977.pdf [The Philosophical Implications of Science Fiction For The Teaching of Anthropology. The University Journal [CSU, Chico], Number 9, Fall 1977, pages 16-20.]
1977b Integrating Tourism With Other Industries in Tonga. The Social and Economic Impact of Tourism on Pacific Communities, edited by B. H. Farrell (Center for South Pacific Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz), pp. 88-94.
1977c https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Tourism_in_Tonga.pdf [Tourism in Tonga: Troubled Times. Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, edited by V. Smith (University of Pennsylvania), pp. 83-92]
1977d https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/MotivesAndMethods.pdf [Motives and Methods: Missionaries in Tonga in the early 19th Century. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 86, no. 2:245-263)
1977e ETC at NASA/Ames, 1977. Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, Vol. 1, No. 3: 8-10.
1977f Review of The Ilahita Arapesh: Dimensions of Unity (1976) by D. F. Tuzin, Ethnohistory, Vol. 24, No. 1: 96-98.
1977h STAR WARS Won't Do! How To Use Science Fiction. (For the Third Annual Convention of the California Elementary Education Association, Sacramento, CA, December 2-3.)
1977i Cultural Implications of Extraterrestrial Contact and the Colonization of Space. (For the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Astronautical Society, San Francisco, CA, October 18-20.)
1977j The Philosophical Implications of Science Fiction for the Teaching of Anthropology. (For the 85th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 26-30.)
1977k Missionaries in Tonga and Culture Change. (For the Tongan Culture Seminar sponsored by the Polynesian Cultural Center and Brigham Young University, Hawai'i, Hawai'i, August 4-6.)
1977l Some Comments on the Effect of Tourism in Tonga. (For the Tongan Culture Seminar sponsored by the Polynesian Cultural Center and Brigham Young University, Hawai'i, August 4-6.)
1977m Comments. (For the Second Annual Meeting of "The Pacific Islander Migration Workshop" at the Center For South Pacific Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, May 13-15.)
1977n Evolution of Technological Civilizations: What is Evolution,Technology, and Civilization? (For the Symposium on "The Search For Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at NASA/Ames Research Center Moffett Field, California, February 24-25.)
1976a Cultures: Fact or Fiction? Anthro-Tech: A Journal of Speculative Anthropology, Vol. 1, No. 1: 6-9.
1976b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Pub_Papers/John_Thomas.html [John Thomas, Tongans, and Tonga! The Tonga Chronicle (July 15, 1976), Nuku'alofa, Tonga, Vol. 13, No. 7: 7.]
1976c Tourism in The Pacific. The Asianist (California State University, Chico), Vol. 1: 17-22.
1976d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/Cultures1976.html [Cultures: Fact or Fiction? For the California State University, Chico Anthropology House Forum known as "El Mundo" on November 11.)
1976 Tapa in Tonga: A Focal Point of Civility. (For the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, April 14-18).
1975a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ChangeInRankAndStatus.pdf [Change in Rank and Status in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga.] Psychological Anthropology, edited by T. R. Williams (Mouton), pp. 559-575.
1975b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Drinking.pdf [ Drinking in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga. Ethnohistory, Vol. 22, No. 1: 33-50.]
1975c Review of Pacific Atoll Populations (1975), edited by V. Carroll, Ethnohistory, Vol. 22, No. 2: 182-183.
1975d An Anthropologist Looks At Science Fiction. Impact, May-June (California State University, Chico), Vol. 2, No. 5: 8.
1975e [with J. Cowan, S. Towell, and L. Wiebe] MACOS In Action: Salmon, Herring Gulls and Baboons (45:48:00 videotape, CSU, Chico).
1975f [with J. Cowan, S. Towell, and L. Wiebe] MACOS In Action: Herring Gull Discussion (23:00:00 videotape, CSU, Chico).
1975g [with J. Cowan, S. Towell, and L. Wiebe] MACOS In Action: The Netsilik Eskimos (23:00:00 videotape), CSU, Chico.
1975h Comments: African and Pacific Parallels. (For the 18th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, October 29-Nov. 1.)
1975i Impact of Tourism in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga. (For the 13th Pacific Science Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 18-29.)
1975j Integrating Tourism With Other Industries in Tonga. (For the Seminar entitled "The Social and Economic Impact of Tourism on Pacific Communities" sponsored by The Center for South Pacific Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, May 5-6.)
1975k Missionaries in Tonga: The Christian Paradigm of 1797, 1822, and 1826+ (For the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the ASAO [Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania], Stuart, Florida, March 26-30.)
1974a Capt. Cook's Club. Pacific Islands Monthly, April.
1974b Tourism and Culture Change. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, December 5.)
1974c Tongan Tourism Today: Troubled Times? (For the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Mexico City, Nov. 19-24.)
1974d Tonga: The Last Polynesian Kingdom. (For the Paradise Recreation and Park District Adult Activity Center, Paradise, CA, July 26.)
1974e [with T. W. Johnson] Man: A Course of Study. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, May 8.)
1974f Drinking in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga. (For the Third Annual Meeting of the ASAO [Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania], Asilomar, CA, March 14-17.)
1973a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/TonganAdoption.pdf [Tongan Adoption Before The Constitution of 1875. Ethnohistory, Vol. 20, No. 2: 109-123.]
1973b Anthropology and (Good) Science Fiction. (For the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov 28 - Dec 2.)
1973c https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/1973Forum.html [Science Fiction. For the CSU Chico Anthropology Forum, November 7.)
1973d Motives and Methods: Europeans in Tonga in the 19th Century. (For the Second Annual Meeting of the ASAO [Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania], Orcas Island, Washington, March 21-25.)
1972a Tongan Culture: The Methodology of an Ethnographic Reconstruction. Copyrighted Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; also available from Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 73-7972); CSUC} GN/671/T5/U7/1972a]. [And please see} http://www.uoregon.edu/~anthro/dissertations.html]
1972b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/1972TonganPaper.html [Tongan Social Structure: Data From An Ethnographic Reconstruction. For the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Toronto, Canada, December 2.].
1972c Tongan Adoption Before The Constitution of 1875. (For the First Annual Meeting of the ASAO [Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania], Orcas Island, Washington, March 29-April 1.)
1972d Polynesian Ethnohistory for the Kingdom of Tonga: Part II. (For the 25th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 23-25.)
1972e Ethnohistory: A Methodological Analysis Based on Polynesian Data. (For the 30th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science, Portland, February 26.)
1971a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1971TonganPaper.html [Tongan Culture: From the 20th Century to the 19th Century. For the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New York, New York, November 17, 1971.]
1971b Tongan Culture: An Ethnohistorical Reconstruction. (For the Department of Sociology/Anthropology at Western Washington State College [now Western Washington University], Bellingham, Washington, November 4, 1971.)
1970a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1970CurrentDirections.html [Discussion Words from 1969 / 1970.] Published in Current Direction in Anthropology: A Special Issue [Bulletins of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. 3, No. 3, Part 2, September 1970], edited by Ann Fischer, (Washington, D.C., American Anthropological Association, pages 55-56.]
1970b Polynesian Ethnohistory for the Kingdom of Tonga: Part I. (For the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, March 26.) (Abstract in Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 1970, Vol. 4, No. 1: 61-62.)
1970c https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/NatureCulture1970.html [Mother Nature, Father Culture. For the 28th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science, Eugene, February 28, 1970.]
1969 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/1969Levi-StraussPaper.html [A Selective View of Levi-Strauss' Intellectual Antecedents. For the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 22.]
1968a [with D. Roth] http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Dennis and Charlie 1968 Paper.pdf [Scale Analyses and the Elaboration of Menstrual Taboos. For the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Seattle, Washington, November 21-26.)
1968b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Malinowski1968.html [Comments on Bronislaw Malinowski for a University of Oregon Graduate Seminar October 29].
1967 http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1967UndergradMayaPaper.htm [The Classical Maya. Honors Papers. Bellingham: Western Washington University), Vol. 6: 26-32.
1966a Sigmund Freud: A Selected Overview. Humanities 123 Readings Supplement (Bellingham: Western Washington University), pp. 138-142.
1966b The Effect of Revolution on the Chinese Family System. Honors Papers (Bellingham: Western Washington University), Vol. 5: 27-30.
1966c The Effect of Revolution on the Chinese Family System. (For the 19th Annual meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, April 7-9.)
1965 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Darwin1965WWSC.html [Darwin - 1859: An Important Historical Event. For SPEECH 100, Western Washington State College [now Western Washington University], Bellingham, Washington, June 30, 1965.]
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