Charles F. Urbanowicz / Professor of Anthropology
California State University, Chico / Chico, California 95929-0400
530-898-6220 [Office]; 530-898-6192 [Dept.]; 530-898-6824 [FAX]
e-mail: curbanowicz@csuchico.edu
home page: http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban

30 June 1965 / January 2002! [1]

[This page printed from http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Darwin1965WWSC.html

NOTE: This item was originally written on June 30, 1965 and was presented for a class entitlted SPEECH 100 (when I was an undergraduate at Western Washington State College, Bellingham, Washington, now known as Western Washington University). For historical perspective: I was born in Jersey City, New Jersey on September 23, 1942, graduated high school in 1960, and attended New York University (New York City) in 1960-1961. After flunking out of NYU, I enlisted for four years in the United States Air Force (1961-1965), was Honorably Discharged, accepted at Western Washington State College and received the B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology in 1967. I began Graduate Work in Anthropology at the University of Oregon in September 1967 and received the M.A. in Anthropology in 1969. In July 1970 I went (with my wife, Sadie) to do fieldwork in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga and was awarded the Ph.D. in Anthropology from the UofO in 1972. For a complete résumé, please see http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/resume.html). This June 1965 item indicates that I have been interested in "things Darwinian" for a good many years! It was originally placed on the web in October 2001, exactly as it was written on June 30, 1965, and slightly added to in January, 2002: if you wish to see all "Darwin-related" pages since this one, please go to http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinPagesOnly.html. This will provide you with numerous references, including "Darwin videos" available on the WWW.

ATTENTION MATERIAL: "Man is descended from the apes, or something closely akin to them, and let us not forget it!"

ORIENTING MATERIAL: How often had we heard that sentence attributed to one man and one many only--Charles Robert Darwin, even though he never said it (or anything really like it). I plan to tell you some of what he did say concerning evolution and the effcts of his words on the world.

SUBJECT SENTENCE: Theories of evolution had been discussed in Europe for a hundred years or more before Darwin published his Origin of Species.

I. The year 1859 is considered an important year in world history.

A. Wagner
B. Marx
C. Darwin

II. The Origin of Species had taken over twenty-give years to complete because Darwin did not want to present a theory of evolution that would be too easy to disprove.

A. Darwinian Theory
B. Consequences of the Darwinian Theory and specific problems it has created.
1. The Scopes Trial.
2. The Indiana Trial


IV. Was Darwin Anti-God?


In October 2001 I add the following: The long-forgotten (by me!) instructor of this class wrote: "Not a sentence outline. Good relaxed speaking style." I received an "A" for the presentation.

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[1] © [All Rights Reserved.] Here are some words from 1965 that are being placed on the WWW for classroom purposes at California State University, Chico. To return to the beginning of this page, please here.

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[This page printed from http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Darwin1965WWSC.html

Copyright © 2002; all rights reserved by Charles F. Urbanowicz

22 January 2002 by CFU

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