Urbanowicz Darwin-Related Pages Only:
In Reverse Chronological Order Since 1965

Dr. Charles F. Urbanowicz / Retired Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
California State University Chico / Chico, California 95929-0400
Anthropology Department: Phone: 530-898-6192
email: curbanowicz@csuchico.edu [or] csurbanowicz@gmail.com

Urbanowicz Home Page: https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/

1 October 2024

On 31 December 2009 I retired from California State University Chico and am now associated with the University as a Professor Emeritus of Anthropology.

Date To Be Determined

To Be Determined https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Darwin.html[Charlie Urbanowicz IS Charles Darwin!]


2024 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DarwinBookshelf.html [A Darwin Bookshelf: 23 September 2024].


2010a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BerraReviewForRNSCE [Review of Charles Darwin: The Concise Story of an Extraordinary Man by Tim M. Berra (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008), in Reports of the National Center for Science Education (Berkeley, California), Volume 30, Numbers 1-2 (January-April), pages 37-38.  


2009 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/ANTH600Fall2009.html [Current Thoughts on Anthropology and Darwin. For Professor David Eaton's CSU, Chico ANTH 600 (Core Seminar in Anthropology) on October 7, 2009, at California State University, Chico.


2008f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/ANTH600Fall2008.html [Personal Comments on Anthropology and Darwin. For Professor David Eaton's CSU, Chico ANTH 600 (Core Seminar in Anthropology) on September 30, 2008, at California State University, Chico.


2007 http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/HFAGalapagosAugust2007.html [Why Go To The Galápagos? Why Not?! For the Humanities Center Friday Tertulia at CSU, Chico, August 27.]  


2005a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PHIL321Fall2005.html [Urbanowicz on Darwin and Human Happiness. CSU, Chico PHIL 321 (ETHICS AND HUMAN HAPPINESS) at CSU, Chico, November 30.]

2005b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestFive.htm [Darwin 2005 Self-Test Five, February 3.]

2005c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/syllabi/SYL_303-SP2005.html [CSU, Chico ANTH 303: Seminar in Cultural Anthropology: Charles R. Darwin. Spring 2005.] 


2004a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PHIL108FALL2004.htm [Charles Darwin And Religion (Fall 2004). CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, November 30].

2004b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldExplorationFall2004Darwin.htm [A Visual Intellectual History of Charles Darwin. For a presentation on November 7, 2004, at the monthly lecture series entitled "World Explorations" sponsored by The Museum of Anthropology, CSU, Chico.]

2004c http;//curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/CELTOctober2004Darwin.html [The Darwin Project: 1996 to 2004! Presented on October 21, 2004, at the Tenth Annual Conference on Learning and Teaching sponsored by CELT (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching), October 21-22, 2004, at CSU, Chico.].]

2004d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestFour.htm (Darwin Self-Test Four} September 2004).

2004e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinSP2004PHIL108.html (Charles R. Darwin and Moral Evolution. CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, May 3.)

2004f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/PacificWAMLApril2004.html [Mapping The Islands of the Pacific: Islanders and Others (Including Cook and Darwin). For a presentation at the WAML (Western Association of Map Libraries) Conference, April 29-31, at CSU, Chico.]

2004g http://www,csuchico.edu/~curban/April2004WindChimeDarwin.html [Charles Darwin And His Research. For a presentation at Wind Chime of Chico (an Assisted Living & Special Care Community in Affiliation with Enloe Health System), Chico, Ca. ]

2004h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FourDarwinVideosFeb2004.html] (Four Darwin Videos from CSU, Chico. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forums, February 12 and 19, 2004).

2004i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/TeachingAboutDarwinJan2004.html] (Teaching About Darwin. For a workshop sponsored by the Outreach Programs of the California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco) and held at the Museum of Anthropology at CSU, Chico, January 10, 2004).   


2003a Charles Darwin: - Part Three: A Man of Science. [ ~Twenty-four Minute Video. Darwin from South America, through the Galápagos Islands, and back to England.] Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico.

2003b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestThree.htm (Darwin 2003 Self-Test Three, October 31).

2003c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinFA2003PHIL137.html [Darwin, Sex, and Love. CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 137, Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love, at CSU, Chico, September 29).

2003d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Jan2003Hawai'iDarwin.html [Teaching As Theatre Once Again: Darwin in the Classroom (And Beyond). (For the Hawai'i International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawai'i, January 12-15, 2003.) [Also published in The Conference Proceedings, CD-ROM: ISSN#1541-5899.]   

2003e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/BookReviewKonnerWeb.html [Book review of The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit (Second Edition, 2002) by Melvin Konner]. Reports Of the National Center For Science Education (Berkeley, CA), Vol. 23, Number 1, Jan-Feb 2003, pages 43-44. 


2002a http://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DarwinDayCollectionOneChapter.html In Darwin Day Collection One: The Single Best Idea Ever (2002) Edited by Amanda Chesworth et al. (Albuquerque, New Mexico: Tangled Bank Press), pages 67-70.

2002b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinFA2002Phil108.htm [Charles R. Darwin and John Steinbeck: The Story Continues.] [For CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, December 2).

2002c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinSP2002Phil108.htm [Charles R. Darwin: From 2002 to 2008/2009.] [For CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, May 6.)

2002d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinAAUWMarch.html [A Handout On Darwin: Countdown to 2008/2009.] [For the 9 March 2002 AAUW [American Association of University Women] Meeting in Chico, CA).

2002e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinSacFeb2002.html [On Darwin: Countdown to 2008/2009]. For "Darwin Day" activities, sponsored by HAGSA [The Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area], Sacramento, California, February 10, 2002].

2002f Teaching As Theatre. Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, Second Edition (2002), edited by Patricia Rice & David W. McCurdy, Editors (NJ: Prentice Hall), pages 147-149. [NOTE: This is a incredibly shortened version of 2000a below.]

2002g http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/VestigesReview.html (Book review of Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, by James A. Secord [2000, University of Chicago Press] for Dr. Alan Rauch, Book Review Editor, Configurations, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0165.) Configurations, Volume 10, Number 1, Winter 2002, pages 195-198. 


2001a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/qrbjuly2001review.htm (Book review of Biology, Evolution, and Human Nature, by Timothy H. Goldsmith and William F. Zimmerman [2001, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.] for Quarterly Review of Biology [University of Chicago Press for the State University of New York at Stony Brook]), December 2001, Vol. 76, No. 4: 493.

2001b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestTwo.htm (Darwin 2001 Self-Test Two).

2001c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/FA2001Unitarian.html] (Darwin, Dying, and Death: Philosophical Perspective[s]. For a presentation at the Unitarian Fellowship of Chico, November 4.)

2001d http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinForum2001.html (Darwin Then and Now: Who Was Charles Darwin? The Legacy of an Evolutionary Biologist. For the combined "Anthropology Forum" and CAPE [Center for Applied and Professional Ethics] session at CSU, Chico, October 25.)

2001e http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinRetFacOct2001.html (Charles R. Darwin: Comments on a Life Fulfilled. For the CSU, Chico "Retired Faculty Association" Meeting, October 19.)

2001f http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WordsOnAnnie'sBox.html (Essay on Annie's Box: Charles Darwin, his Daughter and Human Evolution, by Randal Keynes [2001]).

2001g Charles Darwin: - Part Two: The Voyage. [ ~Twenty-two Minutes. Darwin from South America, through the Galápagos Islands, and back to England.] Edited by Ms. Vilma Hernandez and Produced by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico.

2001h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SP2001DarwinPhil108.html (For CSU, Chico PHIL [Philosophy] 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU, Chico, April 30.)

2001i http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/museumtourmarch2001.html (Brief Words Concerning Charles R. Darwin, for participants on the Chico Museum Getty Tour, March 21-24).

2001j http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/2002Narrative.html (March 5} Narrative for a CSU, Chico Research Proposal Application for Spring 2002 [Note} Not funded.]).

2001k http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/WorldExplorationSpring2001.html (Culture And Nature: Machu Picchu (Péru) and The Galápagos Islands (Ecuador), July 2000.) For the Monthly Lecture Series entitled "World Explorations" sponsored by The Museum of Anthropology, CSU, Chico, March 4).

2001l http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CorningSp2001.html (For a presentation to the 7th grade "Life Science" classroom of Ms. Tiana Scott, Maywood Middle School, Corning, CA, February 28).

2001m The Galápagos Islands: Every Little Bit Helps. The Chico Enterprise-Record, Sunday, February 25 (page E1 and E2) and see: http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/GalapagosIslandsoilspill.htm


2000a Teaching As Theatre: Some Classroom Ideas, Specifically Those Concerning Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) for the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA (November 15-19).

2000b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/darwinvisualsonly.htm (Charles Darwin-Related Visuals Only) [November 10]).

2000c http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SoAmGIslands.html (2000, South American Visuals Only [November 3]).

2000d Charlie on Darwin (For the 26 October combined CELT [Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] Conference and Anthropology Forum Presentation at CSU, Chico (http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CELTFall26OctoberForum.html).

2000e South American Research: Words [with Sadie Urbanowicz]. (For the 6 October 2000 AAUW [American Association of University Women] Meeting in Chico, CA).

2000f Charlie On Darwin: Urbanowicz Presents Ideas Concerning Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) (For the Sixth Annual CELT [Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching] Conference on Learning and Teaching at CSU, Chico, September 21 & 22.)

2000g Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882): Spring 2000 Miscellaneous Information.(For CSU, Chico PHIL 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, April 26.)

2000h http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/SelfTesting/DarwinTestOne.htm (Darwin 2000-2001 [Self]Test One).

2000i Mnemonics, Quotations, Cartoons, And A Notebook: "Tricks" For Appreciating Cultural Diversity Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, Patricia Rice & David W. McCurdy, Editors (NJ: Prentice Hall), pages 132-140. [And Please see} http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0130340707,00.html


1999a, Charles Darwin: - Part One: The Voyage. [ ~Twenty-two Minutes. Darwin sailing from England to South America.] Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico.

1999b http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/DarwinMiscSep99.html (Charles R. Darwin: Fall 1999 Miscellaneous Information For Various Activities; including CSU, Chico ANTH 198 [Anthropology Forum: The Evolution of Digital Darwin, September 23)], CSU, Chico ANTH 300 [Core Seminar in Cultural Anthropology, September 30], and CSU, Chico PHIL 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, [November 17]. 


1998a Darwin: From The Origin (1859+), To The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation To Sex (1871), And The Expression of Emotions...(1872) To Today! For CSU, Chico PHIL 108, Ethics And Human Happiness, December 2.

1998b Charles F. Urbanowicz On Charles R. Darwin. For CSU, Chico ANTH 300, Core Seminar in Cultural Anthropology, October 6.

1998c Urbanowicz on Darwin. (Prepared for Homecoming & Parents Day, CSU, Chico, October 3.)

1998d Darwin And Modernism: From The Industrial Revolution Through The Origin Of Species And Beyond! (For CSU, Chico ART 197 (The Avant-Garde in the Twentieth Century: The Visual Arts), September 30.

1998e Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882): Potential Founding Father of Modernism? (Presentation for CSU, Chico ART 197), September 30.

1998f Charlie on Darwin (May 1998 15 Minute Videotape Report for the Office of the Provost) (Prepared as part of the CSU, Chico 1997-1998 "Master Teacher" report, May 8).

1998g Folklore Concerning Charles R. Darwin. Presented at the 1998 Meetings of the Southwestern Anthropological Society and The California Folklore Society, Sacramento, CA, April 16-18. [Also please see Chantal Lamers, 1998, "Darwin's Insight Evolves To CD-ROM" in The Orion, Vol. 40, Issue 2, February 4, page 1 and page 8, for a related item.] 


1997a "Darwin Continues To Evolve: Urbanowicz On Darwin (Again!)." (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 11.)

1997b Charles Darwin: Reflections - Part one: The Beginning. [ ~Seventeen Minutes: Darwin in England]. Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU, Chico.


1996a https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/UrbanowiczOnDarwin/September1996.html [IN: Tracy Hokaj and Kevin F. Weherly, Editors, Special Issue on Charles Darwin (Chico: The Chico Anthropological Society Papers), page 55-114.

1996b [with Donna Crowe] Fourteen Second Darwin Quick Time Movie.

1996c [with Donna Crowe and Kathy Fernandes] Darwin Evolves: Multimedia (Videotape+) For Instructional Purposes.(For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, November 7.)

1996d [with Donna Crowe] Charles Darwin: Reflections. (For CSU, Chico THEA 124, October 24.)

1996e Urbanowicz on Darwin, [http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Darwin/DarwinSem-S95.html] (CSU, Chico Spring 1995/Fall 1996) 


1994a On Darwin (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, September 15.)

1994b Charles R. Darwin. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, February 10.) 


1993a Charles Darwin: The Man At Home and Abroad. (For the Meeting of the Northern California Geographical Society, Chico, CA, December 5.)

1993b https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Darwin116.html [Charles R. Darwin: Happy 116th Anniversary. For the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 11.)

1993c Charles R. Darwin (70" ITFS [Instructional Television For Students]Videotape), February 10 [available in the Department of Anthropology at CSU, Chico ].

1993d Charles R. Darwin: (1809-1882). (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, February 11.) 


1992 Four-Field Commentary. Anthropology Newsletter [American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.], Vol. 33, No. 9: 3. 


1991 http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Forum/London1991.html (London: Legacy of Legends (1066-1991); presented at the Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico, May 9, 1991). 


1990a http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/CharlesRDarwin.pdf [Charles R. Darwin: My Life And My Death. Discussion Paper 90-1 in Discussion Paper Series, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, CSU, Chico.]

1990b Charles R. Darwin: My Life and My Times. (For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, October 4.)

1990c A Letter To The Editor [Concerning Charles R. Darwin]. [Chico Enterprise-Record], September 26, page B4. 


1970a Discussion. Current Direction in Anthropology: A Special Issue [Bulletins of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. 3, No. 3, Part 2], edited by Ann Fischer (Washington, D.C., American Anthropological Association), pages 55-56.

1970b  https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/NatureCulture1970.html [Mother Nature, Father Culture. For the 28th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science, Eugene, February 28, 1970.]


1965 https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/Darwin1965WWSC.html[Darwin - 1859: An Important Historical Event. For SPEECH 100, Western Washington State College [now Western Washington University], Bellingham, Washington, June 30, 1965.]

to the Department of Anthropology;

to California State University, Chico.

© Copyright 2024; all Rights Reserved Charles F. Urbanowicz

1 October 2024 by CFU

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