BOOKSHELF: 1 October 2024
Dr. Charlie Urbanowicz /
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
California State University,
Chico / Chico, California 95929-0400
email: csurbanowicz@gmail.com or curbanowicz@csuchico.edu
As an Anthropologist who has had discussions with guests since 2004 on almost 50 cruises (https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/VariousCruiseMaps.html), providing information about Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific, World War II, Gauguin and his times, as well as Charles Darwin, I occasionally receive requests for information to augment a reading list distributed for a cruise. This is the current "Darwin Bookshelf" for interested individuals. For a similar page, dealing with "People and Exploration" and "World War II" as well as "Gauguin and his times" please see: https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/June2024.html.
The following information is from from: https://curbanowicz.yourweb.csuchico.edu/DarwinBookshelf.html
Anon., 1879, What
Mr. Darwin Saw in His Voyage Round the World in the ship Beagle (New
York: Weathervane Books Reprint).
Anon., 1925, The
World's Most Famous Court Trial - Tennessee Evolution Case: A word-for-word report of the famous
court test of the Tennessee Anti-Evolution Act, at Dayton, July 10 to 21, 1925,
including speeches and arguments of attorneys, testimony of noted scientists,
and Bryan's last speech.
(1990 Reprint Edition Published
by Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee).
Philip Appleman, 2001,
Darwin: A Norton Critical
Edition, Third Edition (NY:
W.W. Norton & Company).
Rosemary Ashton, 2017,
One Hot Summer: Dickens,
Darwin, Disraeli, and the Great Stink of 1858 (Yale University
Stephen T. Asma, 2001,
Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads:
The Culture and Evolution of Natural History Museums (Oxford
University Press).
Cyril Aydon, 2002, Charles
Darwin (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers).
Cyril Aydon, 2008, A
Brief Guide To Charles Darwin: His
Life And Times (Philadelphia: Running Press).
Nora Barlow [Editor], 1946, Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle (NY: Philosophical Library).
Nora Barlow [Editor], 1958, The Autobiography Of Charles Darwin 1809-1882: With original omissions restored Edited
with Appendix and Notes by his grand-daughter (NY: W.W. Norton & Company).
Bateson, 1972, Steps To An Ecology of Mind (NY: Ballantine Books).
Michael J. Behe, 1996,
Darwin's Black Box: The
Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (Simon & Schuster Inc.).
Tim Berra, 1990, Evolution
and the Myth of Creationism (Stanford University Press).
Tim Berra, 2009, Charles
Darwin: The Concise Story of an
Extraordinary Man (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press).
John Bowlby, 1990, Charles
Darwin: A New Life
(NY: W.W. Norton & Company).
Arnold C. Brackman, 1980, A Delicate Arrangement:
The Strange Case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
(NY: Times Books).
Browne, 1996, Charles Darwin: Voyaging - Volume I
of a Biography (NY: Alfred A. Knopf).
Browne, 2002, Charles Darwin: The Power of Place
- Volume II of a Biography (NY: Alfred A. Knopf).
Bryson, 2010, All At Home:
A Short History of Private Life [in Great Britain] (NY: Doubleday).
Frederick Burkhardt [Editor], 1996, Charles Darwin's Letters: A Selection 1825-1859
(Cambridge University Press).
David Burnie, 1989, Get
a Grip on Evolution (NY:
Time-Life Books).
Eugene Byrne & Simon Gurr, 2013, Darwin:
A Graphic Biography (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books).
B. Caroll, 2006, The Making of the Fittest: DNA and
the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution (NY: W.W. Norton & Co.).
Chapman, 2000, Trials of the Monkey: An Accidental Memoir (NY:
Picador USA). [NOTE: Matthew Chapman is the great-great-grandson
of Charles R. Darwin.]
Chaponniere and John Ward, 2003, Family Business Through Darwin's Theory Of
(Geneva: Lombard Odier Darier
Hentsch & Cie).
Amanda Chesworth [Editor], 2002, Darwin Day Collection One: the single best idea ever
(Albuquerque, New Mexico: Tangled Bank Press).
G. Y. Craig and E. J. Jones, 1985, A Geological Miscellany (Princeton
University Pres).
Daniel C. Dennett, 1995,
Darwin's Dangerous Idea:
Evolution And The Meaning Of Life (NY: Touchstone).
Adrian Desmond, 1982,
Archetypes And Ancestors:
Palaeontology in Victorian London 1850-1875 (The University of Chicago
Adrian Desmond, 1997,
Huxley: Evolution's High Priest
(University of Chicago Press).
Gabriel Dover, 2000,
Dear Mr. Darwin: Letters On The
Evolution of Life And Human Behavior (London: Weidenfield & Nicolson).
Francis Darwin, 1902,
The Life Of Charles Darwin (London: John Murray).
JF Derry, 2010, Darwin
In Scotland: Edinburgh, Evolution
And Enlightenment (Scotland, UK: Whittles Publishing).
Adrian Desmond, 1994,
Huxley: From Devil's Disciple
to Evolution's High Priest (Reading, Masschusetts: Addison-Wesley).
Adrian Desmond and James Moore, 1991, Darwin:
The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist (Viking Penguin).
Brian Dolan, 2004, Wedgwood: The First Tycoon (Viking).
Loren Eiseley, 1958,
Darwin's Century: Evolution And The Men Who Discovered It
(NY: Anchor Books).
Benjamin Farrington, 1982, What Darwin Really Said (NY: Schocken Books ).
Martin Fichman, 2002,
Evolutionary Theory And Victorian Culture (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books).
F. D. Fletcher, 1980,
Darwin: An illustrated life of
Charles Darwin 1809-1882 (United Kingdom: Shire Publications Ltd).
R. B. Freeman, 1978,
Charles Darwin: A Companion
(Folkestone, Kent, England: Wm
Dawson & Sons Ltd, Cannon House) [and see: Paul van Helvert and John van Wyhe, 2021].
Lyanda Lynn Haupt, 2006,
Pilgrim on the Great Bird Continent:
The Importance of Everything and Other Lessons from Darwin's Lost
Notebooks (NY: Little
Brown And Company).
Nick Hazlewood, 2000,
Savage: Survival, Revenge And
The Theory Of Evolution (London: Sceptre)
Edna Healey, 2001, Emma
Darwin: The Inspirational Wife Of
A Genius (London:
Headline Book Publishing).
Deborah Heiligman, 2009,
Charles and Emma: Darwin's Leap
of Faith (New York:
Henry Holt and Company).
Tracy Hokaj and Kevin F. Weherly [Editors], 1996, Special Issue on Charles Darwin
(Chico, CA: The Chico
Anthropological Society Papers).
Thomas H. Huxley, 1863,
Man's Place In Nature (1959
University of Michigan Press).
William Irvine, 1955,
Apes, Angels, And Victorians:
Darwin, Huxley, And Evolution (NY: Time Incorporated).
Paul Johnson, 2012, Darwin:
Portrait of a Genius (Penguin).
Phillip E. Johnson, 1991, Darwin On Trial (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Press).
Steve Jones, 1999, Darwin's Ghost:
The Origin of Species Updated
(NY: Random House).
R.D. Keynes, 1988, Charles
Darwin's Beagle Diary (Cambridge University Press).
Richard Keynes, 1989,
Charles Darwin in Australia:
With illustrations and additional commentary from other members of the
Beagle's company including Conrad Martens, Augustus Earle, Captain FitzRoy,
Philip Gidley King and Syms Covington (Cambridge University Press).
Randal Keynes, 2001,
Box: Charles Darwin, his Daughter and Human Evolution (London:
Fourth Estate).
Michael Kerrigan, 2005, Charles Darwin's The Voyage of the Beagle: The Journals that Revealed Nature's
Grand Plan (NY: Barnes &
Desmond King-Hele [Editor], 2003, Charles Darwin's The Life of Erasmus Darwin (Cambridge University Press).
Edward J. Larson, 1989, Trial And Error: The American Controversy Over Creation And Evolution (Oxford University Press).
Edward J. Larson, 1997,
Summer For The Gods: The Scopes Trial And America's Continuing Debate Over
Science And Religion (Harvard University Press).
Edward J. Larson, 2001,
Evolution's Workshop: God And
Science On The Galapagos Islands (NY: Basic Books).
Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, 1955, Inherit The Wind (NY: Random House).
Richard E. Leakey [Abridged by], 1979, The Illustrated Origin Of Species by Charles
Darwin (New York: Hill
& Wang).
Adrian Lister, 2018,
Darwin's Fossils: The
Collection That Shapes The Theory Of Evolution (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books).
Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology: Volume I (1830); Volume II (1832); Volume III (1833).
Roy MacLeon and Philip F. Rebbock [Editors], 1994, Darwin's Laboratory: Evolutionary Theory and Natural History in the Pacific
(Honolulu: University of Hawai'i
Howard Markel, 2024,
Origin Story: The Trials of
Charles Darwin (New York:
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.)
A. J. Marshall, 1970,
Darwin And Huxley In Australia (Sydney: Hodder and Stoughton).
Mark K. Mattson, James L. Marra, and Stephen C. Zelnick
[Editors], 1997, A Student
Introduction to Charles Darwin:
Selected Readinbgs with Commentary by Jeffrey C. Brautigam & Stephen
C. Zelnick (Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company).
Iain McCalman, 2009,
Darwin's Armada: How four
voyagers to Australia won the battle for evolution and changed the world
(Penguin Books).
Jonathan Miller and Borin van Loon, 1982, Darwin For Beginners (NY: Pantheon Books).
James Moore. 1994, The
Darwin Legend (Michigan:
Baker Books).
Alan Moorhead, 1969,
Darwin and the Beagle (NY:
Harper & Row, Publishers).
Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, 1981, Gentlemen of Science: Early Years Of The British Association For The Advancement
Of Science (Oxford:
Clarendon Press). [Important
note from a wonderful friend and
colleague: "Charlie, I ordered this book and when it arrived, found
it wasn't what I thought. (I was
expecting more of a biographical type publication). It's pretty dry and technical (lots of graphs and charts!) -
so I thought you might be interested in it. Linda"]
Michael Neve and Sharon Messenger [Editors], 2002, Charles Darwin: Autobiographies
(Penguin Books).
Peter Nichols, 2003,
Evolution's Captain: The Dark
Fate of the Man Who Sailed Charles Darwin Around the World (NY:
David Orenstein, 2001,
Darwin's Apostles: The Men Who
Fought To Have Evolution Accepted, Their Times, And How The Battle Continues
(Washington, DC: Humanist Press).
Mark Pallen, 2009, The
Rough Guide to Evolution (London: The Penguin Group).
Peckham [Editor], 1959, The Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin: A Variorum Text (University of Pennsylvania Press).
Pool, 1993, What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to
Whist - the Facts of Daily Life in 19th0Century England (NY: Simon & Schuster).
L. Popp [Editor], 2004, Popp's Concordance to Darwin's On the Origin of Species (Lake Jackson,
Texas: Man and Nature Press).
Raby, 1997, Bright Paradise:
Victorian Scientific Travellers (Princeton University Press).
Ralling, 1978, The Voyage of Charles Darwin: His Autobiographical Writings Selected by Christopher
Ralling (London: The British
Broadcasting Corporation).
David Quammen, 1988,
The Flight of the Iguana: A
Sidelong View of Science and Nature (New York: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster).
David Quammen, 2006,
The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the
Making of His Theory of Evolution (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.).
David Quammen [General Editor], 2008, On The Origin of Species: The Illustrated Edition (NY:
Peter Raby, 1996, Bright
Paradise: Victorian Scientific
Travellers (Princeton University Press).
Christopher Ralling, 1979, The Voyage of Charles Darwin: His autobiographical writings selected and arranged by
Christopher Ralling for the PBS series (NY: Mayflowr Books).
Michael R. Rose, 1998,
Darwin's Spectre: Evolutionary
Biology in the Modern World (Princeton University Press).
Michael Ruse, 2000, The
Evolution Wars: A Guide to the
Debates (Santa Barbara, CA:
Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards, 2009, The Cambridge Companion to the "Origin Of
Species" (Cambridge University Press).
James A. Secord [Editor], 1994 Vestiges
of the Natural History of Creation And Other Evolutionary Writings [by] Robert Chambers (University of Chicago
James A. Secord, 2000,
Victorian Sensation: The
Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the
Natural History of Creation (The University of Chicago Press).
Tim Severn, 1997, The
Spice Islands: The Quest For Alfred Wallace, The Man Who Shared Darwin's
Discovery Of Evolution (NY:
Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.).
Niall Shanks, 2004, God,
the Devil, and Darwin: A Critique
Of Intelligent Design (Oxford University Press).
Michael Shermer, 2002,
In Darwin's Shadow: The Life
and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace - A Biographical Study on the Psychology
of History (Oxford University Press).
Dean Keith Simonton, 1999, Origins of Genius:
Darwinian Perspectives On Creativity (Oxford University
Michael Sims, 1997, Darwin's
Orchestra: An Almanac Of Nature In
History And The Arts (NY:
A Henry Holt Reference Book).
David Stanbury [Editor], 1977, A Narrative Of The Voyage Of H.M.S, Beagle being passages from the
Narrative written by Captain Robert FitzRoy, R.N., together with extracts from
his logs, reports and letters; additional materials from the diary and letters
of Charles Darwin, notes from Midshipman Philip King and letter from Second
Lieutenant Bartholomew Sulivan (London: The Folio Society).
Rebecca Stott, 2003,
Darwin And The Barnacle: The
Story Of One Tiny Creature And History's Most Spectacular Scientific
Breakthrough (New York:
W.W. Norton & Company).
Keith S. Thomson, 1995,
HMS Beagle: The Story Of Darwin's
Ship (NY: W.W. Norton).
Paul van Helvert and John van Wyhe, 2021, Darwin:
A Companion - Building on the work of R.B. Freeman [1978] (Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific).
S.M. Walters and E.M. Snow, 2001, Darwin's Mentor: John Stevens Henslow, 1796-1861 (Cambridge
University Press).
Jonathan Weiner, 1994,
The Beak of The Finch: A Story
of Evolution in Our Time (NY:
Vintage Books).
Bob Wesson, 2017, Darwin's
First Theory: Exploring Darwin's
Quest To Find A Theory Of The Earth (NY: Pegasus Books).
Michael White and John Gribbin, 1995, Darwin:
A Life in Science (NY:
Glyn Williams, 2013,
Naturalists At Sea: Scientific Travellers From Dampier To Darwin
(Yale University Press).
Fred Wilson, 1991, Empiricism
and Darwin's Science (Boston:
Kluwer Academic Publishers). ).
John G. Wilson, 2000,
The Forgotten Naturalist: In
Search of Alfred Russel Wallace (Australia: Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty
Simon Winchester, 2001,
The Map That Changed the World:
William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology (New York: HarperCollins Publisher).
Brenda Wineapple, 2024,
Keeping The Faith: God,
Democracy, And The [1925
Scopes] Trial That Riveted A Nation (NY: Random House).
Larry A. Witham, 2002,
Where Darwin Meets the Bible:
Creationists And Evolutionists In America (Oxford University
John van Wyhe, 2008,
Charles Darwin (London:
Welbeck Publishing Group).
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