Dr. Charles F. Urbanowicz / Professor Emeritus ofAnthropology
California State University, Chico / Chico, California 95929-0400
530-898-6220 [Office: Butte 202]; 530-898-6192 [Department: Butte 311]
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21 December 2009

© [All Rights Reserved.] Originally placed on the World Wide Web on December 10, 2009, for the presentation (with visuals) at the Anthropology Forum at California State University, Chico, on that date. One additional visual, #17, has since been added: a plaque presented to me by my colleagues on December 17, 2009.


The Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico is currently in its 37th year. In fall 1973 the first Anthropology Forum presentation was made by then Assistant Professor Turhon Murad and I made the second presentation on November 7, 1973. Summary web pages of my previous Anthropology Forum presentations are also available on the World Wide Web (2003d and 2003e). This is actually my 36th Forum presentation but hopefully not my last as I plan to be around for many years. 



"Old age has a way of forcing a person back upon themselves.
The pace of life slows and brings with it a natural inclination to reflect upon the past."
Linda Lear, 2007, Beatrix Potter: A Life In Nature (NY: St. Martin's Press), page 427. 

I have been a member of the faculty since August 1973 and Iwill completely retire from teaching at CSU, Chico in December2009 and hope to travel and cruise and provide lectures onvarious cruises as long as I am able and as long as the various cruise lines want me. Just as we are evaluated for our teaching at this institution, I have also been evaluated for every cruise that I have lectured on since December 2004. There is a Polish saying that "There is no joy in old age" (Starosc nieradosc) and I totally and completely disagree with this. I am happy I am retiring, happy where I am in life, and happy with whom I share my life, Sadie!

Born in 1942 in Jersey City, New Jersey, I graduated from high school in 1960, and commuted to New York City and NewYork University for the 1960-1961 academic year. In 1961 I proceeded to flunk out of NYU and enlisted in the United States Air Force (1961-1965). I got married in 1963 (and am still happily married). I became interested in anthropology in 1963 and after I was Honorably Discharged from the United States Air Force in 1965, I began my full timea cademic career, receiving a B.A. in Sociology-Anthropology in 1967 (Western Washington State College, now Western Washington University), an M.A. in Anthropology in 1969 (University of Oregon), and then the Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1972 (University of Oregon) based on research dealing with the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga. I taught at the University of Minnesota for the 1972-1973 academic year and have been at CSU, Chico since August 1973. Incidentally, the first anthropology course I ever took was when I was in the United States Air Force. The course was taught on base (in Blaine, Washington) by a young anthropologist who soon made a name for himself: Lionel Tiger. Born in 1937, Lionel is currently the Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University. Another individual who inspired me to become an anthropologist was Dr. Herbert C. Taylor, Jr. (1924-1991) a Professor at Western. I began taking courses at Western while still in the United States Air Force and decided to become an anthropologist! Perhaps, when all of this, taken together, this is why I became an anthropologist! A lot of everything goes into who, what, and why each of us is what we are today and how we do what we do and when and where we do it; or as the words overthe entrance to Kendall Hall phrase it: Today Decides Tomorrow!

I am thoroughly indebted to my friend and colleague, Dr. Valene Smith, Professor Emerita (now retired) who was responsible for getting me hired at CSU, Chico. I interviewed with Valene in 1972 in Toronto at the national meetings of the American Anthropological Association where I presented a paper on my 1970-1971 fieldwork dealing with Tonga (1972b). Earlier that year I had received my Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Oregon and had a one-year teaching appointment in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. One cannot predict the future but perhaps we can invent it, for as Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) stated, in translation, "fortune favors theprepared mind." I also like the words of Gary Player (born in 1935) who stated "The harder you work the luckier you get." In 1972 I could never have predicted that I would eventually have three separate chapters published in three editions of Valene's outstanding Hosts and Guests volumes (1977a, 1989a, and 2001a). A few years ago the professional journal Tourism and Recreational Research wrote about Valene:

"Valene Smith is the Margaret Mead [1901-1978] of the anthropology of tourism; she played a pioneering role in the initiation of the field as an academic enterprise, contributed to its theoretical foundations, conducted extensive empirical research on tourism-related topics in diverse settings and--last but not least--contributed significantly to the popularization of the field, primarily through her 'Hosts and Guests,' several editions of which span a quarter of a century [stress added]." Eric Cohen, 2002, Review of Hosts and Guests Revisited: Tourism Issues of the 21st Century. In Tourism Recreation Research, 2002, Vol. 27, pages 108-111, page 108.

Two of my chapters published in Hosts and Guests dealt with issues of tourism in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga (1977a and 1989a) and the third dealt with "Gambling into the 21st Century" (2001a). I followed up on both of these topics over the decades, publishing and presenting professionals papers dealing with Tonga and the "gaming" industry (for example: 1975a, 1975b, 1976, 1977c, 1983, 1991e, and 1998c). Life is cumulative!

I have always been a firm believer in sharing my ideas (in the classroom, professional meetings, or conversations) and the first professional paper presented was a joint paper (1968) with a fellow graduate student at the University of Oregon. Dennis Roth (who became the Chief Historian for the United States Forest Service and an anthropologist with the Federal Government) delivered the paper as a result of our collaborative research in Graduate School. In 1967, the first year of Graduate School for both of us, we had a formal methods seminar where we researched a specific topic and after finishing the paper we decided to submit it for consideration for presentation at our national meetings. We were both excited when our paper (entitled "Scale Analysis and the Elaboration of Menstrual Taboos") was accepted for our American Anthropological Association meetings in Seattle, Washington. (Incidentally, our respective wives got a kick out of our "expertise" in this anthropological matter!) The discipline of anthropology has certainly grown from the 100s of papers at that three-and-a-half day meeting to 1000s of papers at recent three-and-a-half day meetings! A single individual cannot possibly attend all of the sessions at any professional meeting andwhat this says to me (at least) is that no one single anthropologist knows everything about anthropology!

The Anthropology Forum at CSU, Chico is currently in its 37th year, although when it first began in 1973 it was called"Anthropology Looks at..." (and I do not know when it became known as the "Anthropology Forum"). In fall 1973 the first Anthropology Forum presentation was made by then Assistant Professor Turhon Murad and I made the second presentation on November 7, 1973. A version of this presentation was eventually shared with the larger campus community when it was published in The University Journal (1977d). A summary of my previous Anthropology Forum presentations are available on the World Wide Web (2003d and 2003e) and this is actually my 36th Forum presentation (but hopefully not my last as I plan to be around for many years). I have also shared my anthropological perspective in courses for various colleagues on this campus, including Anthropology (2003c and 2009d, for example), Art (1998d and 1998e), Geosciences (2001b), Journalism (1993a), Philosophy (2000e), Recreation (2004d), and Theatre (1996b). In the region, because I believe in anthropology and I believe in what I do, I've presented some of my ideas at meetings in Chico (2000b and 2000c) as well as Redding (2001c).

Another CSU, Chico colleague to whom I am indebted for my Chico career is Professor Emeritus Keith Johnson who cobbled aposition for me for 1973-1974 prior to my arrival in Chico in August 1973. Although I had interviewed with Valene in 1972 for a coveted tenure-track position at CSU, Chico, by the time I was preparing to go to Chico the position was "cut" due to on-going budget problems in the state of California! Sound familiar? ( I was eventually appointed to a tenure-track position and was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor of Anthropology in 1977 and promoted to Professor in 1982. My Anthropology colleagues awarded me the title of Professor Emeritus of Anthropology in 2005.)

Since 1973 I think I have seen the economic crisis in California return with horrible certainty: all I can say is that this too, shall eventually pass. More than eighteen years ago I was invited to share some thoughts and words at the annual all-important Staff Council Luncheon at this institution (1991b). California was, again, in the midst of a budget crisis and for my presentation I used some words from Thomas Hudson (who died in 1605) and who wrote this in 1584:

Have ye pain? So likewise pain have we;
For in one boat we both imbarked be."

We are all in this together and, fortunately (and perhaps unfortunately at times), nothing lasts forever. I was once interested in science fiction, and the words of the gifted author Poul Anderson were appropriate in 1991 and are certainly appropriate in 2009:

"I have yet to see any problem, however complicated,
which when you looked at it in the right way
did not become still more complicated."

This may not be too reassuring, but hopefully it places some of our current fiscal situation into some perspective. There are problems but things will (eventually) settle; but there are some rough times ahead for all of us who make California our home whether we are working or retired! One definitely has to have a positive attitude and in all that I do I remember some words of the Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942): "Anthropology is thes cience of the sense of humour." Malinowski was an important and influential individual in the discipline and his complete statementis worth considering:

"Anthropology is the science of the sense of humour. It can be thus defined without too much pretentiousness or facetiousness. For to see ourselves as others see is is but the reverse and the counterpart of the gift to see others as they really are and as they want to be: And this is the metier of the anthropologist. He [and she!] has to break down the barriers of race and cultural diversity; he has to find the human being in the savage; he has to discover the primitive in the highly sophisticated Westerner of to-day, and, perhaps, to see that the animal, and the divine as well, are to be found everywhere in man [stress added]." Bronislaw Malinowski, 1937, Introduction. Julius E. Lips, 1937, The Savage Strikes Back (Hyde Park, NY: University Books), pages vii-ix, page vii.

A few years ago (2002b) I wrote a whimsical item about CSU, Chico (and the region) that is set in the year 2027 and Itruly feel fortunate to be retiring when I am retiring. You might also be interested in my "Personal View of the Millennial Student"presented at the annual CSU, Chico Enrollment Management Meeting held on campus (2005b) as well as earlier version of my view of the "Millennial Student" a few years before that (1998a).



"With the possible exception of the equator, everythingbegins somewhere."
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)

I became an anthropologist who teaches and lectures about "Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific" as a result of courses taken when I was a full-time undergraduate student at Western (1965-1967) and as a full-time graduate student at the University of Oregon (1967-1970). At Western, Colin E. Tweddell (1899-1998) was an interesting individual who taught about the Pacific and at Oregon, it was Homer G. Barnett (1906-1985) who was my island inspiration. The Pacific Ocean is vast (the largest geographical feature on the planet as my students well know) and the following should place the people of the Pacific islands into some context: "The Pacific Basin is the earth's dominating geographic region, its character complex, its essence exotic. Only superlatives properly measure its mammoth grandeur, its gargantuan majesty." (Arrell Morgan Gibson[Completed with the assistance of John S. Whitehead], 1993, Yankees in Paradise: The Pacific Basin Frontier (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press), page 13). Looking at the island world of the Pacific, one can hardly surpass the words of James A.Michener (1907-1997):

"I wish I could tell you about the South Pacific. The way it actually was. The endless ocean. The infinite specks of coral we call islands. Coconut palms nodding gracefully toward the ocean. Reefs upon which waves broke into spray, and inner lagoons lovely beyond description." James A. Michener, 1946, Tales of the South Pacific (Fawcett Crest Books, page 9).

In attempting to share my interpretation of anthropology and the peoples and cultures of the Pacific islands, in addition to my Pacific course, over the decades I've taught a variety of courses inAnthropology, Social Science, and (even once) a course for the Department of History! The History course was in the Fall semester of 1974 (in my second year at CSU, Chico) and was entitled"History of the Pacific" (History 269). I've taught Summer Session courses, External Degree courses, courses that were once called "Travel-Study" courses (to Hawai'i and Tahiti), and even one January Intersession course! (I taught that only once because "three hours on and twenty-one hours off" was, I believed, too intense!) I also taught, and was involved with the development of the University's ITFS (Instructional Television ForStudents) program and the development and delivery of the M.S. degree in Computer Science transmitted via the satellite uplink on this campus.

I truly enjoy teaching and, in addition to "Introductory Cultural Anthropology" I enjoy discussing and sharing my views on the historyof the discipline of anthropology and I identify with the followingtranslated words of Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009):

"It has often been said--I don't know if it is universally true but it is probably true for many of us--that the reason we took up anthropology was that we had difficulty in adapting ourselves to the social milieu into which we were born." In G. Charbonnier, 1969, Conversations with Claude Lévi-Strauss (London: Jonathan Cape Ltd), page 17. [This is a 1969 translation of the 1961 Entretiens avec Claude Lévi-Strauss.]

Over the many years I've come to believe that the discipline of Anthropology really has no history per se, only individuals who make, manifest, transform and reflect the discipline throughtheir own personalities. Individuals "make" anthropology what it was, what it is, and what it will be and I appreciate thefollowing statement:

"One who makes a close study of almost any branch of science soon discovers the great illusion of the monolith. When he [or she] stood outside as an uninformed layman, he [or she] got a vague impression of unanimity among the professionals. He [or she] tended to think of science as supporting the Establishment with fixed and approved views. All this dissolves as he [or she] works his [or her] way into the living concerns of practicing scientists. He [and she] finds lively personalities who indulge in disagreement, disorder, and disrespect. He [and she] must sort out conflicting opinions and make up his [and her] own mind as to what is correct and who is sound. This applies not only to provinces as vast as biology and to large fields such as evolutionary theory, but even to small and familiar corners such as the species problem. The closer one looks, the more diversity one finds [stress added]." Norman Macbeth, 1971, Darwin Retried: An Appeal To Reason (NY: Dell Publishing Co.), page 18.

One cannot be involved in anthropology (or any of the social sciences) without knowing about Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) and I have done a bit of research that deals with Darwin: the man, hismethods, and his moment in time. While at Chico I was fortunate to teach two Graduate Seminars on Darwin (1995a and2005a), present professional papers dealing with Darwin (1993b, 2000d, 2003a, and 2004a) and publish about him (2002e, 2002f, and in press). Perhaps I was always fascinated about people and the holistic aspect of anthropology. I was also inspired by the words of one of Darwin's staunchest supporters, Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), who wrote "Try to learn something about everything and everything about something" and I understand the words of Margaret Mead (1901-1978) when she wrote "Anthropologists are highly individual and specialized people. Each of them [or us!] is marked by the kind of work he or she prefers and has done, which in time becomes an aspectof that individual's personality." I have always raised questions and I appreciate the words of another influential individual on my career, namely the American educator Ralph H. Thompson (1911-1987) who wrote the following fourty years ago: "The cutting edge of knowledge is not in the known but in the unknown, not in knowing but in questioning. Facts, concepts, generalizations, and theories are dull instruments unless they are honed to a sharp edge by persistent inquiry about the unknown" (Ralph H. Thompson, 1969, Learning t oQuestion. The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. XL, No. 6, pages 467-472, page 467). Tommy was married to Mimi (1913-1985) and in 1963 when I married their only daughter Carol ("Sadie") I became their son-in-law. As I stated in the dedication to my 1972 dissertation from the University of Oregon, Mimi andTommy were without peers.

As written elsewhere, I once knew the anthropologist June Helm who died in 2004. June was born in 1924 and I, eighteen years later, and although we were separated in age, anthropology gave us something in common. The following appeared in January 2005:

"June Helm, who died February 4, 2004, was President of the AAA [American Anthropological Association] (1985-1987)....Following the list of her publications she appended the comment: 'NB: I have never included 'paper read' and 'invited lectures' in my CV. If there are no published versions, I consider them ephemera [stress added]. Nancy Oestrich Lurie, Anthropology in the Liberal Arts. Anthropology Newsletter, January 2005, page 4.

I certainly do not consider this presentation, or any lecture, as ephemeral and hence my creation of web pages for my variouspresentations and courses. I have published about the use of quotations and mnemonics in the classroom to emphasize a point (2000f) and I guess I truly like the printed words of "Old Hutch" or William H. Hutchinson (1910-1990) and his Iron Law of Learning:

"If you do not READ, you cannot WRITE. If you cannot WRITE, you cannot THINK, you cannot discipline your thoughts, and if you cannot DISCIPLINE YOUR THOUGHTS, you must remain forever fair game for every unisex charlatan who comes down the pike with plunder in its heart. The very heart of the pronouncement is in its opening words, which place READING at the root of all that follows. When we speak of reading, we think of libraries. At least I do, for I am indebted to libraries in everything I ever have written or taught or lectured about." [STRESS in original.]

On cruises that I lecture on, I cover such topics as "Peoples and Cultures" of the Pacific" and "Paul Gauguin in Tahiti" as well as various World War II topics, including battles in the Pacific Theatre of Operations and World War II in Europe. All of what I lecture on builds upon research and presentations done for classes for the students at this university (2007b and 2007c). Althoughthe United States of America did not enter World War II until 1941, as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, in Asia the beginning of World War II can betraced to Japanese aggression in 1931, while in Europe World War II began in 1939. The same phrase "World War II" has a different meaning to different people in different cultures at different times! Some trace the origins of World War II in Europe to the Spanish Civil War that began in 1936 and as Antony Beever has written in an intriguing 1982 publication entitled The Spanish Civil War, nothing is ever really simple:

"The Spanish civil war is probably the most convincing reminder that the last word on history is impossible. The absolute truth about such a politically passionate subject can never be known, because nobody can discard prejudices sufficiently [stress added]." Antony Beever, 1982, The Spanish Civil War (NY: Peter Bedrick Books), page 8.

Indeed, Max Hastings (in his outstanding 2007 publication entitled Retribution: The Battle For Japan, 1944-45, adds to our interpretation of World War II by writing the following:

"Our understanding of the events of 1939-45 might be improved by adding a plural and calling them the Second World Wars. The only common strand in the struggles which Germany and Japan unleashed was that they chose most of the same adversaries [stress added]." (Max Hasting, 2007, Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 [NY: Vintage Books, page 3].)

Just as there is no monolithic "history of Anthropology" so do prejudicial views tint and filter all of our attitudes, behavior,conversations, and printed words (including this presentation!). In all that we read about the past (or learn and think about the present), we should also consider the words Winston Churchill (1874-1965) who was the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom for most of the duration of World War II. Churchill said to have written that "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."



"Life is action and passion; therefore, it is required of a man [or any individual!]
that he [or she] should share the passion and action of his [or her] time at peril of being judged not to have lived."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935)

Other individuals that I am indebted to since 1973 include Jim Haehn (now retired), once the Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. I was the Social Science Coordinator in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences for the 1975-1977 academic years when Jim was Dean and I was greatly influenced by his honesty, integrity, and leadership style: I learned a lot from Jim. From 1977 to 1988 I was the Associate Dean in the Center for Regional and Continuing Education on this campus and Ralph Meuter (retired), who was the Dean at the time also taught me a great deal. Numerous single (and joint professional papers) resulted over this period and thereafter (1986, 1988, 1989b, and1991a) and I was even able to utilize some of my United States Air Force background and education in electronics and connect it with my Continuing Education activities for some additional publications (1991c and 1991d). I was also able to work my science fiction interests from the 1970s into some publications overthis time period (for example 1978 and 1984).

I had a Differential-in-Pay leave (1988-1989) as well as a sabbatical (1997a and 1997b) and I thank my colleagueswho saw the value in my research interests (which I could share in the classroom). Fourteen years ago, working with Nancy Kennedy (nee Ellis), my "Introduction to Cultural Anthropology" syllabus was placed on the World Wide Web for student use (1995b) and I have continued to place my course Guidebooks on the web ever since (see, for example my Pacifi ccourse Guidebook, 2007b as well as my Guidebook for Human Cultural Diversity, 2009b, and my History and Theory Guidebook, 2009c). In 1995 I was a semi-finalist for the Outstanding Teacher Award at CSU, Chico. I was a Member of the Academic Senate for 1995-1996 and served on the Senate in a proxy capacity in fall 1998. My colleague and friend, Dr. Turhon Murad nominated me to be one of the "Master Teachers" at CSU, Chico, for 1997-1999, a designation I was proud to share with four other colleagues (Pamela Johnson, MadelineKeaveney, Laura McLachlin, and Devon Metzger). In 1998-1999, as a designated Master Teacher, I was awarded .20 "release time" to act as a consultant to various faculty on their individual "LearningProductivity Projects" at the university and that was an interesting experience (1999b). All in all, I have continued to beenthusiastic about teaching a (1997c) and have learned a lot since I began full-time teaching at the University of Minnesota in 1972 and, hopefully, haven't caused too much damage in the classroom!

Several of the best times I have had while at this university occurred when I appeared in various productions of the Department of Theatre Arts. Dr. Randy Wonzong (now retired) and Dr. Sue Pate were the directors of various shows I appeared in and they saw something in me for their various productions and I made my small contributionto their creative works (1996a, 1998b, 1999a, 2000a,2002a, and 2003b). In one production,a s-a-matter-of-fact, my wife Sadie also performed: this was in Sue Pate's The Caucasian Chalk Circle (2003b). Sadie and I also appeared together a local community production of Arsenic and Old Lace (1999d). Participating in these productions and interacting with CSU, Chico theatre students over the years was work (and fun!) and I also came to appreciate the planning, practice, and preparation that goes into any production: and this has served me well over the years!

I have also been impressed with the quality of the work done by our students in the Department of Anthropology. Anthropology students have organized conferences in the past few years clearly indicatingthat they plan, prepare, and practice their anthropological skills as a result of their anthropology education on this campus! Anthropology students can be quite exceptional and the 7th Chico Forensic Conference, organized by students, will be held on this campus on Saturday April 24, 2010. In addition to organizing conferences and doing original research, writing award-winning theses, being recognized by the university as a distinguished alumni or going on to graduate work for the Ph.D., anthropology students go on "digs" and work on forensic cases as well as conduct the research and create excellent museum displays for the Museum of Anthropology on campus. I began acknowledging the importance of Valene to my professional career and now I would like to point out that as a result of Valene's influence on the Departmentof Anthropology as a whole, the California State University Board of Trustees announced on November 18, 2009 that the Museum of Anthropology on this campus is now officially called "The Valene L.Smith Museum of Anthropology." The grand opening of the museum will be on Thursday January 28, 2010. Valene has made an impact!

Returning to my "theatre career" at Chico, in 1996 I was a"waiter" in Professor Emerita Gwen Curatillo's fantastic production of La Bohème and I had the pleasure of being the "Headwaiter" (1996d) over two lesser waiters in the production, Pat Kopp and Scott McNall (the Provost of the university at the time). Professor Joel Rogers was also a director for one of the shows I was in (2002c) and watching his skills made me come up with the phrase: "Some individuals are born to be puppets and some are born to be puppeteers!" As Randy and Sue and (the late) Donna Breed wrote:

"Acting is one of the most exciting, enjoyable, and creative art forms in existence. It can also be one of the most daunting, challenging, and humbling experience anyone can face. Cultural anthropologists tell us that acting, at least in ritual form, is as old as the first humans sitting around the prehistoric campfire playing out for the gathered community the roles of demons, hunted animals, or even rain spirits." (Susan Pate, Randy Wonzong, Donna Breed, 1996, A Beginning Actor's Companion, 3rd edition, page 1)

My interest in theatrical productions continued even when I was not performing in them and with the permission of the Directors (Pate, Lammel, and Wonzong), I created various web pages dealing with their shows (2001d, 2002d, and 2004b). In 1972, when I began full-time teaching, I used to think there was a fine thin line between teaching and acting: there is no thin line! I perform in every class, complete with props and script. It is fun but it is also work and teaching and being in theatrical productions, truly made me appreciate the following words: "All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts" (William Shakespeare, [1564-1616], As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII). In 2001 Theatre students selected me for Honorary Membership in the Alpha Alpha Mu Chapter of Alpha Psi Omega (National TheatreHonor Society) and in 1994 other Chico students selected mef or Honorary Membership in the Chico Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma (National Honor Society). In addition to being a semi-finalist for the Outstanding Teacher Award and designated a Master Teacher by my peers at CSU, Chico, these last two awards truly pleased me sincethey were student nominations.

I must also acknowledge Professor Lou Nevins (now retired) and Ms.Donna Crowe (also retired) of the university's Instructional Media Center. In 1990 Lou first encouraged me to "perform" as Charles R. Darwin while I was teaching over the ITFS system. That encouragement, couple with support from Dr.Royd Weintraub (also retired) of the Instructional Medi aCenter resulted in time for Donna and I to do collaborative research and allowed Donna to write an excellent script wherein I portrayed Charles Darwin in the first person. An early report on the"Darwin project" (as it came to be known) was presented with Donna and Kathy Fernandez (1996c) and eventually four videos, based on Donna's script, were edited and completed (1997d,1999c, 2001f, and 2003f). Donna edited three of the four videos and when the fourth video was finally completed Donna stated that "The entire project took longer than the voyage of the Beagle itself!" (2004c). I have published and placed items on the"web" that deal with Darwin and even though I agree with Dan Brown when he has his character Robert Langdon state that "'Google' is not a synonym for 'research'" (Dan Brown, 2009, The Lost Symbol [NY: Doubleday], page 98), when I do occasionally check the World Wide Web to see how some of my Darwin materials are used I am quite pleased (see

There were (and still are) numerous other individuals in the Instructional Media Center that allowed me to do what I havedone over the years, including Chris Ficken and Randy Wall. These, and many other individuals, such as Phylllis Berryman, Clark Brandstatt, Ernie Carpenter, Terry Nolan, Larry Schmunk, and Dennis Yarnell (all retired), and Buzz Buzzini, Marilyn Cervantez, Ron Cervantez, Tony Dunn, Kathy Fernandes, Luis Guillen, Ryan Jones, Johnny Poon, Rick Vertolli, and Tom Vodden) are true treasures and resources of this wonderful university that allow the teaching faculty to do what we do and assist us as much as possible! Numerousother individuals in other campus offices have contributed to myresearch and teaching career at Chico, including Sue Pate and RandyWonzong, as well as Martha Acuña (retired), Gail Holbrook(retired), and Sandra Barton (Department of Theatre Arts). Other individuals and campus offices that have assisted me greatly for several decades include Paula Bodine (then with the Associated Students Bookstore); Ida Stelle, Pamella Healy and Bill Lerch (now retired) (Career Center); Debbie Boyes and Mindy Mendonca (Disability Support Services); Deb Besnard, Sarah Blakeslee ,JoAnn Bradley, Henrietta Lo (retired), Joel Leonard (retired), JamesTyler, Paula Wood, Flora Quinn, and Nina Zamudio (all of the Meriam Library); Don Penland (Recreation and ParksManagement); Jeff Layne (Regional and Continuing Education); Christine Connerly (Student Learning Center); Claudine Franquet (Technology and Learning Program); Dana Francis (Testing Office); and Kevin Weherly, Darrell Bartlett,and Noel Shea (retired) from User Services. In the unit called Academic Publications (which includes Facilities/Data), Jim Jessee (retired) often had thankless tasks but his office did an excellent job on behalf of the teaching facultyand staff of this institution! The Chico campus is an exquisite campus as a result of the work of Janice Gabrysiak and others in Facilities Management and Services! I couldn't end acknowledging people that have assisted me over the years without pointing out the exceptional work of Cheryl Vermillion (in the Dean's Office of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences) as well as the fantastic and fabulous work of the current Administrative Support Coordinator in the Department of Anthropology, Stephanie Meyers and a retired Department of Anthropology Secretary, Trudy Waldroop! I thank them all for all of their assistance over the years! Of course, I thank and acknowledge all of my anthropology colleagues (current and retired) at this institution who have beenhere over the years. There is truly a good spirit in the Department of Anthropology, as an article in the University Bulletin of February 13, 1995, headlined it: "Camaraderie is a 30-year habit in Anthropology."

The university, any university, is not a factory turning out 1000s of identical products every year but it is a place, a very special place, where creativity should flourish and does flourish as a result of so many talented and creative individuals: faculty and staff! CSU,Chico has been a wonderful place to be and as Janet Browne wrote concerning Darwin, but which also true for all that I have done, I begin to end "Other Activities" with the following:

"He [Charles Darwin] believed that the natural world was the result of constantly repeated small and accumulative actions, a lesson he had first learned when reading Lyell's Principles of Geology [1830] aboard the Beagle and had put to work ever since. ... No one, not even Lyell [1797-1875] himself, or any of Darwin's closest friends and supporters, accepted as ardently as Darwin that the book of nature was about the accumulative powers of the small [stress added]." Janet Browne, 2002, Charles Darwin: The Power of Place - Volume II of a Biography (NY: Alfred A. Knopf), page 490.

Not only is the "book of nature" about the accumulative powers ofthe small but so are cultural activities or the activities of life! When my wife Sadie and I arrived in Chico in 1973 our Son Tom was nine months old; he is now 37 (or, as he stated it, in his prime - and 67 is also prime!) Tom graduated from CSU, Chico in 1995 but before that, he married a lovely young lady attending this university who also graduated in 1995. Julia and Tom were married in 1993 and have two wonderful children: Elisabeth (born in 1996) and Andrew (born in 1998). Along with a son and daughter-in-law, we have two exceptional grandchildren. There have been many activities and events haveoccurred since arriving in Chico, all leading to this day!



"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindness."
(Samuel Langhorn Clemens, also known as Mark Twain (1835-1910), The Innocents Abroad, 1869)

In 2004, while I was still teaching full-time at CSU,Chico, I received an e-mail from a booking agency, Sixth Star Entertainment & Marketing []who handle all types of personnel for cruise ships. They found me "on the web" and contacted me about the possibility of lecturing onvarious cruises. I responded to the e-mail and after submitting lecture outlines, having a telephone interview, and getting letters of recommendation from campus colleagues, I began receiving specific requests about lecturing on cruises. After beginning my lecturing career with Sixth Star I began to contact cruise lines directly for possible lecturing assignments and since my first on-board lecture sin December 2004, I have provided lectures for the following: Cruise West [],Cunard Line [],Holland America Line [],Princess Cruises [],and Regent Seven Seas Cruises [].

I decided to retire at the end of May 2005 and have been lecturing on cruises since 2004. In May 2005 my colleagues awarded me the title of Professor Emeritus ofAnthropology. Since I decided to partially retire at the end of May 2005 (participating in FERP [FacultyEarly Retirement Program]), I chose not toteach in the spring semester for my five years of FERPing and have since lectured on numerous cruises in the Pacific and even acruise in the Atlantic! Earlier this year, in January 2009, I was one of the "Explorations Speakers" for Holland America on a twelve day cruise from Fortaleza, Brazil, to Rio De Janeiro, Argentina, on the ms Prinsendam. A few months later we were back to the Pacific and my wife and I cruised (and provided lectures) on the Spirit of Oceanus from Tahiti to Guam. For information about these, and other cruises I have provided lectures on since 2004 (with cruise maps, an extensive bibliography, includingprinted and web-based material) please see Using the just cited "Cruise Reference" I am ever the "teacher" and Iprovide handouts on the cruises with references for reading when thecruise is over. I find many in the audience are appreciative of theseselected bibliographies (such as 2007a and 2009a).People who cruise are interesting individuals and interestedindividuals and if they attend my on-board lectures it is becausethey want to be there for the information (and not a grade); while agreat deal of "prep time" goes into every lecture it is rewardingand there are no exams to prepare, no grades to give, and theaudience applauds after every lecture!

Frequently, on the cruises I have lectured on, I am not the onlylecturer that the cruise industry provides for their guests. Onvarious cruises since 2004 other lecturers on cruises (ondifferent occasions) have included an archaeologist, artist,astronomer, filmaker, forensic scientist, Hawai'ian expert, hydrologyexpert, a naturalist, a navigator, a retired NASA official, a retiredWWII officer, and a World War II expert. All of this is in additionto the itineraries, excellent entertainment, and food service thatthe cruise industry provides! While the cruise is underway, the Cruise Director coordinates the activities under his or her controland makes sure that everything runs smoothly; and all of this isbased on the fantastic coordination that comes from the home officeof the cruise lines: creating the itineraries for the various fleets(and arranging the ports-of-call), making sure adequate personnel andsupplies are available for all, and ensuring the safety of everyindividual aboard every vessel. It is a huge complex operation and I am delighted to be a small part of it!

In March of 2010 I will again be providing lectures for a Holland America cruise from California to Hawai'i and French Polynesia, returning back to California. After being in Chico for afew days, my wife Sadie and I will fly to Australia and I will provide lectures on a cruise from Sydney to Vancouver, British Columbia. Incidentally Sadie, who has always supportedme in all that I do (and I like her and love her and I couldn't do what I do without her!) has begun lecturing on recent cruises,providing complementary information to my own lectures. Eleven months from now, in November 2010, we are scheduled to once again join the Spirit of Oceanus, providing lectures on a cruisefrom Easter Island to Fiji (please see Spirit of Oceanus, will be completing a round-the-world cruise that begins in Singapore on March 6, 2010 andculminates in Singapore on February 3, 2011. Talk about long-range-planning!



"Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young." (Albus Dumbledore, in} J. K. Rowling, 2003, Harry Potter And the Order of The Phoenix (NY: Scholastic Press),page 826.

As students know (and my wife clearly knows this!) I am enamored of quotations. Citing the translated words of the French, essayist Montaigne (1532-1592), "I quote others only the better to expressmyself." In this case, I also like the translated words of the French author Rouchefoucauld (1613-1680): "Old people are fond of giving good advice; it consoles them for no longer being capable ofsetting a bad example." I have, however, no advice to impart but willend by sharing a little "mind game" I've developed to place thing sinto perspective: I've been associated with this institution since 1973, or let us say 36 years to date (or 437 months!). If, when I arrived here in 1973, had I asked one of the senior faculty members "when did you get here?" and if they responded "thirty-six years ago young man" I would have done a quick calculation: 1973-minus-36 = 1937! "My" I would have stated: "You've certainly been here a long time" and I would have thought: "Wow, you are old and you have been here since before I was even born!" I have been here a long time but I do not feel old; and considering the alternative, hopefully I will continue to age!

As stated at the beginning of this paper, there is a saying "thereis no joy in old age" and I totally and completely disagree withthis. I prefer the Polish words Sto lat, niech zyje, zyjenam: a hundred years may he live for us! In Jersey City, where I grew up, our Polish neighborhood was adjacent to the Italian neighborhood and I also like the following: Cento anni di salute efelicita or "100 years of health and happiness!" My personal goal is to emulate, and possibly surpass Harlen Adams who was born in 1904 and died in 1997. From 1939, when he arrived on campus, until his retirement in 1974 Harlen was associated with this campus first as a teacher and then as an administrator. The Harlen Adams Theatre on campus is named in his honor and I truly believe in his words:

"The most important word in the English language is attitude.
Love and hate, work and play, hope and fear, our attitudinal response to all these situations, impresses me as being the guide."
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Here you have some favorite quotes of mine that I was unable toweave into the body of the text! They are all important to me and Iwish to share them with the reader of this page:

"Either mankind is alone in the galaxy-or he is not;either alternative is mind-boggling."
(Lee DuBridge [1901-1994], President of the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, 1946-1969; and please see 1977b)

"The power is always the same; the manifestation depends on theconditions."
(Prince Lucian Campbell [1861-1925], President of theUniversity of Oregon, 1902-1921; and please see 2001e)

"It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-booksand by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we shouldcultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The preciseopposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations we can perform without thinking aboutthem. Operations of thought are like calvary charges in abattle--they are strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments [stressadded]." Alfred North Whitehead [1861-1947], An Introduction to Mathematics, 1911, Chapter 5.

"The unit of survival [or adaptation] is organism plus environment.
We are learning by bitter experience that the organism which destroys its environment destroys itself.

If, now, we correct the Darwinian unit of survival to include theenvironment
and the interaction between organism and environment,
a very strange and surprising identity emerges:
the unit of survival turns out to be identical with the unit ofmind"
[italics in original; stress added]." Gregory Bateson [1904-1980], 1972, Steps To An Ecology of Mind(NY: Ballantine Books), page 483.

"You are what you know. Fifteenth-century Europeans 'knew'that the sky was made of closed concentric crystal spheres, rotatingaround a central earth and carrying the stars and planets. That'knowledge' structured everything they did and thought, because ittold them the truth. Then Galileo's telescope changed thetruth....Today we live according to the latest version of how the universe functions. This view affects our behaviour and thought, just as previous versions affected those who lived with them[stress added]." James Burke, 1985, The DayThe Universe Changed (Boston/Toronto: Little, Brown andCompany), page 9. 

SELECTED VISUALS: The following sixteen visuals represent onlyapproximately 5% of the PowerPoint visuals used for the presentationon 10 December 2009.


Visual 1: Anthropology Forum (1973)
Visual 2: University Bulletin (1995)
Visual 3: Butte Hall Display Case.

Visual 4: Meriam Library Display Case.
Visual 5: The Orion (1998).
Visual 6: Madwoman of Chaillot (2000).

Visual 7: Continuing Education (1977-1988).
Visual 8: Pacific Travels (1970-1971)
Visual 9: Pacific Cruises (2004-2009)

Visual 10: Pacific Landings (2004-2009).
Visual 11: Master Teacher Certificate.
Visual 12: Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga.

Visual 13: Three Statues.
Visual 14: Today Decides Tomorrow.
Visual 15: Podium Picture 5 March 2007.

Visual 16: Words from Harlen Adams (1904-1997).

Visual 17: Presented by the Department of Anthropology on December 17, 2009.


in press[Review of Charles Darwin: The Concise Story of anExtraordinary Man by Tim M. Berra (Baltimore: The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, 2008), for Reports of the National Center forScience Education (Berkeley, California)].  

on-going[Urbanowicz Reverse Chronological Order: Source for thereferences below.]


on-going[Various Cruise References.]

1968 Charlie 1968 AAA Paper.pdf [Scale Analysis and theElaboration of Menstrual Taboos. With Dennis Roth for the 67thAnnual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Seattle,Washington, November 22, 1968.]

1972a Tongan Culture: The Methodology of an EthnographicReconstruction. [Copyrighted Ph.D. dissertation, Departmentof Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; available fromAnn Arbor, University Microfilms 73-7972); CSUC} GN/671/T5/U7/1972a;also available at eHRAF,Document ID: ou09-074.]

1972b[Tongan Social Structure: Data From An EthnographicReconstruction. For the 71st Annual Meeting of the AmericanAnthropological Association,Toronto, Canada, December 2,1972].

1973[Science Fiction. For the CSU, Chico Anthropology Forum, November7, 1973.]

1975a[Change in Rank and Status in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga.Psychological Anthropology, edited by T. R. Williams (Mouton),pp. 559-575.]

1975b[Drinking in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga.Ethnohistory, Vol. 22, No. 1: 33-50.]

1976[John Thomas, Tongans, and Tonga! The Tonga Chronicle,Nuku'alofa, Tonga, Vol. 13, No. 7, July 15, 1976.]

1977a[Tourism in Tonga: Troubled Times. Hosts and Guests: TheAnthropology of Tourism, edited by Valene Smith (University ofPennsylvania), pp. 83-92.]

1977b[Evolution of Technological Civilizations: What Is Evolution,Techology, and Civilization? Presented at Symposium entitled "TheSearch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)" at the NationalAeronautics & Space Administration/Ames Research Center, MoffettField, California, February 24, 1977.]

1977c[Motives and Methods: Missionaries in Tonga in the Early 19thCentury. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 86, No.2: 245-263.]

1977d[The Philosophical Implications of Science Fiction For TheTeaching of Anthropology. The University Journal [CSU,Chico], Number 9, Fall 1977, pages 16-20.]

1978[Cultural Implications of Extraterrestrial Contact and theColonization of Space. The Industrialization of Space: Advances inthe Astronautical Sciences, edited byRichard A. Van patten, PaulSiegler, and E.V.B. Stearns (American Astronautical Society, SanDiego, CA), Vol. 36, Part 2, Advances In The Astronautical Sciences,pages 785-797; originally presented at the 23rd Annual Meetingof the American Astronautical Society, San Francisco, CA, October18-20, 1977.]

1983[Christian Missionaries in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga:Late 18th Century & Early 19th Century Activities. For the AnnualMeeting of the American Historical Association, San Francisco,California, for the Symposium entitled "Missions and Missionaries inthe Pacific: An Overview" on December 28, 1983.]

1984[The Role of "Good" Science Fiction and Space Applications andThe Future. Space and Society: Challenges and Choices, editedby Paul Anaejionu, Nathan Goldman, and Philip J. Meeks (AmericanAstronautical Society, San Diego, CA), Vol. 59, Science AndTechnology Series, pages 309-329; originally presented at aConference on "Space and Society" at the University of Texas, Austin,Texas, April 14-16, 1982.]

1986 Paper.pdf [With L.J. Wright and R.F. Meuter:Distance Education From A Non-Digital Source: Some Suggestions forDigital Designers. Telecommunications--Asia, Americas, Pacific:PTC'86 Proceedings, Edited by Dan J. Wedemeyer and Anthony J.Pennings, (Honolulu: Pacific Telecommunications Council), pages346-353.]

1988[The Potential of the Pacific: Some Suggestions FromCalifornia State University, Chico. Presented at the Annual Meetingof The Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, Hawai'i,February 15-19, 1988.]

1989a[Tourism in Tonga Revisited: Continued Troubled Times? HostsAnd Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, edited by Valene Smith,2nd Edition (University of Pennsylvania), pp. 105-117.]

1989b[Satellites: The Global Village and Tele-Education. Space 30:A Thirty Year Overview of Space Applications andExploration, 1989, edited by Joseph Pelton et. al(Alexandria, VA), pp. 90-105.]

1991a[Extra-Terrestrial Education: Not Science fiction At All.With Lou Nevins for the Annual Meeting of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., for theSession entitled "Satellite Delivery of Education: From ElementarySchool to the Working World" in Washington, D.C., February 14-19,1991.]

1991b[The Icing on the Cake(s): Food is Love. For the Twentieth StaffCouncil Luncheon at CSU, Chico, April 19, 1991.]

1991c[Marconi Receives the First Transatlantic Telegraphic RadioTransmission. Great Events From History II: Science And TechnologySeries, Volume 1 - 1888-1910, edited by Frank N. Magill(Pasadena/Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press), pages 128-133.]

1991d [Sputnik 1, The First Artificial Satellite isLaunched. Great Events From History II: Science And TechnologySeries, Volume 4 - 1952-1969, edited by Frank N. Magill(Pasadena/Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press), pages 1545-1550.]

1991e[Tonga. Encyclopedia of World Cultures, edited by D.Levinson (Boston: Hall-Macmillan), pp. 336-339].

1993a[Oceania & The Pacific. For Professor John Sutthoff'sJournalism 116: International Communications In The Global Arena,CSU, Chico, March 25, 1993.]

1993b[Charles R. Darwin: Happy 116th Birthday! For session entitled"Anthropology and Curriculum: Perennial Problems and NewPossibilities" at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the AmericanAnthropological Association Meetings, Washington D.C., November17-21, 1993.]

1995a][Urbanowicz on Darwin. For the Anthropology 303 Seminar inCultural Anthropology: Charles Darwin, Spring 1995].

1995b[Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, CSU, Chico, Fall1995.]

1996a[Performed as "Dr. Amos D. Keller" in InheritThe Wind in the CSU, Chico Spring 1996 production, directedby Dr. Randy Wonzong, March 12-17, 1996.]

1996b[Charles Darwin: Reflections. With Donna Crowe for a presentationfor Ms. Sarah Salisbury's Theatre 124, Children's Literature inPerformance, October 24, 1996.]

1996c[Darwin Evolves: Multimedia (Videotape+) For InstructionalPurposes. With Donna Crowe and Kathy Fernandes for the CSU,Chico Anthropology Forum, November 7, 1996.]

1996d[Performed as a "waiter" in La Bohème in the CSU,Chico Fall 1996 production, directed by Professor Gwen Curatilo,November 12-17.]

1997a[Twenty-Six Sabbatical Institutions Visited: Spring 1997,April 8->May 24, 1997].

1997b[Camping Is Great but Nothing Beats Home: Across the USA inPursuit of Educational Technology. Inside Chico State,September 25, 1997].

1997c[The Enthusiasm of Teaching. Inside Chico State, October23, 1997].

1997d[Charles Darwin: Reflections - Part one: The Beginning.~Seventeen Minutes Video. Darwin in England]. Produced andEdited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU,Chico.]

1998a'98_Millennium_Paper.html[Twenty-Five/Twenty-Five, or, Hindsight Is Always Somewhat"Perfect" (But Perhaps We Can invent The Future!). [Presented asan invited speaker for the Professional Development Committee Meetingof PAUSE'98, with the theme of "Guess Who's Coming To College In TheMillennium?, Clear Lake, CA, January 8-9, 1998.]

1998b[Performed as the "Russian Intruder" in See How They Run,one of the CSU, Chico 1998 Summer Court Theatre ensemble productions,directed by Dr. Sue Pate, July 7-11, 1998.]

1998c[Gambling (Gaming) In The United States of America From AnAnthropological Perspective. Presented at the 14th ICAES(International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)Meetings on the Anthropology of Tourism for the 1998 Congress held atWilliamsburg, VA, July 29-August 2, 1998.]

1998d[Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882): Potential Founding Father ofModernism? Powerpoint Presentation for Professor James McManus Art197, The Avant-Garde in the Twentieth Century: The Visual Arts,September 30, 1998.]

1998e[Darwin and Modernism: From The Industrial Revolution ThroughThe Origin of Species And Beyond. Presentation for ProfessorJames McManus Art 197, The Avant-Garde in the Twentieth Century: TheVisual Arts, September 30, 1998.]

1999a[Performed as "Ferapont Spiridonych" in the CSU, Chico productionof Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters, directed by Dr.Sue Pate, March 10-14, 1999.]

1999b[1998-99 Learning Productivity Project FinalReport.]

1999c[Charles Darwin: - Part One: The Voyage. ~Twenty-twoMinute Video. Darwin sailing from England to South America.Produced and Edited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center,CSU, Chico.]

1999d[Performed as "Reverend Dr. Harper" in the Fall 1999 Encore!Chico Community Production of Arsenic and Old Lace directed byGary Hibbs, November 5-14, 1999.]

2000a[Dramaturge and performed as "Dr. Gaspard Jadin" as well as the"Sewer Man" in the CSU, Chico production of Jean Giraudoux's TheMadwoman of Chaillot directed by Dr. Sue Pate, March 7-12,2000.]

2000b[Twenty-First Century Education Materials: You Ain't Seen NothingYet. Presented at "Leadership Chico -- Education Day" in Chico,California, March 15, 2000.]

2000c[Computers And Technology into the Twenty-First Century: YouAin't Seen nothing Yet (Again!). Presented at the City of Chico FireDepartment Workshop, May 5, 2000.]

2000d[Teaching As Theatre: Some Classroom Ideas, SpecificallyThose Concerning Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) presented at the 99thAnnual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, SanFrancisco, California, November 15-19, 2000.]

2000e[Urbanowicz on Darwin And Human Happiness. For ProfessorRobert Stewart's Philosophy 321, Ethics And Human Happiness, at CSU,Chico, November 30, 2000.]

2000f[Mnemonics, Quotations, Cartoons, And A Notebook: "Tricks" ForAppreciating Cultural Diversity. Strategies In TeachingAnthropology, Edited by Patricia Rice and David McCurdy (NJ:Prentice-Hall), pages 132-140.]

2001a Gambling_into_the_21st_cent.pdf[Gambling Into The 21st Century. Hosts And Guests Revisited:Tourism Issues of the 21st Century, edited by Valene Smith andMaryann Brent (NY: Cognizant Communication Corp.), pp.69-79.]

2001b[For Professor Tom McCready Geosciences 154, Science AndEthics, CSU, Chico, on February 8, 2001.]

2001c[Where Does The Future Come From? (Subtitled, "You Haven't SeenAnything Yet!)." For a presentation at the Redding, California,Chamber of Commerce Luncheon meeting on March 12, 2001.]

2001d[Dramaturge information for the CSU, Chico production of TheMiss Firecracker Contest, Directed by Professor Sue Pate, April3-8, 2001.]

2001e[Darwin, Dying, and Death: Philosophical Perspective(s). For theUnitarian Fellowship of Chico on November 4, 2001.]

2001f[Charles Darwin: - Part Two: The Voyage. ~Twenty-sevenMinute Video. Darwin from South America, through theGalápagos Islands, and back to England. Edited by Ms. VilmaHernandez and Produced by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional MediaCenter, CSU, Chico.]

2002a[Dramaturge and performed as "Abraham Kaplan" in the CSU, Chicoproduction of Elmer Rice's Street Scene directed by Dr. RandyWonzong, March 6-10, 2002.]

2002b[A "Story" (Vision or nightmare?) of the Region in 2027. Forclassroom use at CSU, Chico, September 30, 2002.]

2002c[Performed as "M. Beaunoir" in the CSU, production of SigmundRomberg's The New Moon directed by Professor Joel Rogers,October 23-27, 2002.]

2002d[Visuals From The Birds @ CSU, Chico, directed byProfessor Cynthia Lammel, November 12-17, 2002].

2002e[There Is A Grandeur In This View of Life. Chapter in DarwinDay Collection One: The Best Single Idea Ever, edited by AmandaChesworth et al. (Albuquerque, New Mexico: Tangled Bank Press), pages67-70.]

2002f[Teaching As Theatre. Strategies in TeachingAnthropology, Second Edition, edited by Patricia Rice & DavidW. McCurdy, Editors (NJ: Prentice Hall), pages 147-149.]

2003a'iDarwin.html[Teaching As Theatre Once Again: Darwin in the Classroom (AndBeyond). For the Hawai'i International Conference on Arts andHumanities, Honolulu, Hawai'i, January 12-15, 2003.]

2003b[Dramaturge and performed as several characters in the CSU, Chicoproduction of Bertolt Brecht's The Caucasian Chalk Circledirected by Dr. Sue Pate, March 4-9, 2003.]

2003c[ANTH 161, Lecture for North American Indians, CSU, Chico, April8, 2003].

2003d[The Anthropology Forum: 1973->2003! For the CSU, ChicoAnthropology Forum, May 15, 2003.]

2003e[The Anthropology Forum: 1973->2003, Part II; For the CSU,Chico Anthropology Forum, September 4, 2003.]

2003f[Charles Darwin: - Part Three: A Man of Science.~Twenty-four Minute Video. Darwin from South America, throughthe Galápagos Islands, and back to England. Produced andEdited by Ms. Donna Crowe: Instructional Media Center, CSU,Chico.]

2004a[Teaching About Darwin: Towards The Bicentennial (As Well As TheSesquicentennial) of Charles R. Darwin, 1858/1859. For a workshopsponsored by the Outreach Programs of the California Academy ofSciences (San Francisco) and held at the Museum of Anthropology atCSU, Chico, January 10, 2004.]

2004b[Visuals from Man of La Mancha @ CSU, Chico, directed byProfessor Randy Wonzong, May 5-9, 2004].

2004c[The Darwin Project: 1996 to 2004! For the Tenth AnnualConference on Learning and Teaching sponsored by CELT(Center for Excellence in Learning andTeaching), CSU, Chico, October 21-22, 2004.]

2004d[Continuing Interests In "Gaming" for Professor Sarah RichardsonRecreation 50, Hospitality Industry, at CSU, Chico, October 29,2004.]

2005a[Anthropology 303, Seminar in Cultural Anthropology: CharlesDarwin, Spring 2005.]

2005b[A Personal View of the Millennial Student. For a presentation atthe Annual CSU, Chico Enrollment Management Meeting, September 16,2005.]

2007a[Gauguin Pacific References. For the lectures on the m/s PaulGauguin, June 30, 2007 to July 11, 2007.]

2007b[CSU, Chico Anthropology 373, Pacific Cultures. Fall 2007].

2007c[Pearl Harbor After Sixty-Six Years and World War II in the PTO(Pacific Theater of Operations). For the CSU, Chico AnthropologyForum, December 6, 2007.]

2009a[March 2009 References for the Spirit of Oceanus cruise,Fiji to Guyam, February 27, 2009 to March 13, 2009.]

2009b[CSU, Chico Anthropology 113, Human Cultural Diversity, Fall2009.]

2009c[CSU, Chico Anthropology 496/496H, History of Theory/Method, Fall2009].

2009d[Current Thoughts on Anthropology and Darwin. For Professor DavidEaton Anthropology 600, Core Seminar in Anthropology, at CSU, Chico,October 7, 2009.]

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21 December 2009

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